chapter fifteen: acceptance

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"It's a pleasure to finally meet you," Rob said, referring to me. I could feel him studying me heavily. We were all still in the foyer, Lana and Chuck as surprised as I was. The only ones who were reactionless were our fathers.

"She's here in living proof," My father said proudly. I could feel all eyes on me like I was a rare artifact, a precious jewel. I tried to feel small and invisible, my anxiety displaying itself as I rubbed the side of my arm nervously.

I searched for something to make me less uncomfortable. I found Chuck's eyes, and she shrugged out of her surprise and came up to me. She began by hugging me and murmuring, "More time between us now." and backing away with a smile on her face.

"Hey!" A boy stumbled out from the hall. He closely resembled Rob, but obviously a much younger one. This was likely Lana and Chuck's younger brother. "Sorry." He said nervously, before coming closer to the group of us. His hand extended out to shake mine. "Nice to meet you. Charlie."

"Alejandra." I smiled. He was sweet, just like his sisters.

I took my coat off and hung it on the hook of the wall. I felt like Lana's eyes glued on me as I revealed my attire. I quickly glanced up and I noticed she really was looking me down thoroughly, her lips slightly apart with that signature anything-but-innocent look in her eyes.

Rob started to take a few steps out of the foyer and into what became the large living room. We all began to follow, with myself still at my father's side. "Why didn't you tell me?" I angrily whispered over, though Lana walked right in front of me and likely heard our conversation.

"Rob and I thought it'd be a good idea, since you girls get along so well. A surprise." He spoke at a normal voice level, which made my face turn red. Because of this, i'd say his answer satisfied the three of us who were listening for one.

My father immediately took a seat across from Rob and they began discussing their fatherly affairs. I was just about to take a seat and sit through their conversation to be courteous, but Lana's sudden voice stopped me in my tracks.

"Let me show you around." She burned a hole through me as I looked up at her.

I turned back to my father who had stopped his conversation. He gave me a nod, and then went back to talking. So I walked towards Lana and followed her quick steps that took me through the massive hallway that resembled a corridor. She didn't say a word in this process until we reached the farthest end of it.

"You didn't know?" She spun around and smiled wildly. I noticed the glimmer of her lipgloss almost immediately, and her soft catty eyeliner that i've still only seen her do occasionally. I loved all of it on her.

"No, and you?" I responded, marveling at the surroundings.

"No." She replied. We stayed in silence for a few moments, taking in the surprise of the night.

"Nice house," I crossed my arms and glanced at my surroundings. The home was beautiful, but also massive and rich with character.

She giggled. "I don't really know this house any better than you do, we never had anything even remotely like this growing up." She observed her surroundings strangely as I did, pulling her vape from her pocket and sending a cloud out to climb up towards the high ceilings. She seemed anxious, like something was occupying her mind.

"You okay?" I took a step closer to her, worried by the look on her face.

Lana stared at me for a moment like she was alright. But then, her gaze shifted, and she tried to look away. Her eyes nervously squeezed shut and she let out a quiet sigh. "I am, I just thought we were expecting someone else."

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