chapter nine: alice

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Note: Sexual content is marked between the ***'s in case you choose to skip!

I slept the best I'd ever slept in a while that night. I woke up refreshed the next day, like energy was pulsing within me for once.

Then I remembered that the party was later that night and I didn't even have a costume yet. I quickly reached for my phone and checked the time. It was nearing noon, and I was in utter disbelief that I had even managed to sleep in for so long.

I felt like time was ticking even if I still had so much of the day left. Lana's words ran through my mind. I needed to blow her away, or at least impress her. My perfectionism and competitiveness was kicking in hard.

"Hello...?" A groggy Declan answered the phone. Since he runs the bar till close to dawn, his sleeping schedule runs later than most.

"Hey, were you sleeping?" I asked, feeling a little bad in case I did.

"No... Just waking up..." He replied before yawning.

"Do you have a costume yet?" I put the phone on speaker and began to tie my hair up.

"For what?" He sounded lost.

"For the party. The one Zella told us about? Remember?" I refreshed his mind as I picked the phone back up.

"Oh!" His voice perked up at the sound of Zella's name. "Uh, well, I was planning on just going without one."

"What do you mean?" I laughed. "Don't you want to at least try to impress her?"

"Shit, you think it'd work?" He asked seriously.

"Maybe," I said convincingly even if I knew Zella wouldn't pay him much attention. I don't think Declan even crosses her mind romantically. I began to hope that he would meet someone at the party and keep his mind away from Zella to avoid heartbreak.

"I've gotta look for something quick, then." He replied, worried.

"Same. Wanna go shopping with me?" I asked, happy that we finally reached what I'd called for all along.

I planned to go for him and finished getting ready afterwards.

I was outside of the bar, where he also lives.

In the basement of the place, there's space for excess inventory and a section made for living quarters.

Declan's told me he's lived there ever since he took over the business from his father.

"Where are we going, then?" I asked as he climbed in.

"I don't know, should we try the thrift store?" He smiled excitedly. Lake Placid has a single thrift store that seemingly never gets any customers.

I had never been inside.

There's a certain mystery that surrounds the place, but i'd never dug into it.

"Does the place even let people in?" I questioned as I started to drive down the main boulevard. We could've probably walked, instead.

"Yeah. Strange place with neat stuff." He said vaguely, clearly trying to add to the image of a vague, elusive place.

I pulled over, across from the shop.

"It better be worth it." We started walking in.

The place was massive, meaning it went far back. The air was heavy and smelled heavily of oldness. In front of us, rows of clothing were arranged meanwhile in the back there were racks filled with arranged goods. It was like an entire world was undiscovered in there, just waiting to be looked through.

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