chapter fourteen: coincidence

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My cheeks were slowly turning pink as I made my way out of my home—the unforgiving winds mixing with the freezing temperatures were proving to be stronger than I.

Maybe I should've worn something warmer than my tan wool coat, proving to be nothing compared to this Lake Placid winter—that sign on the county road, calling it the 'coldest place in America'—turning truer by the second.

Light snowflakes dusted my shoulders and hair, but I somehow managed to smile through the chatter of my teeth as soon as I saw Lana through the windshield of her car. We were going out for brunch; she was picking me up.

Consider it a date if you must.

"It's fucking freezing-" I crossed my arms as I huddled in the passenger side. The warm air and the heated seat felt like heaven. Lana leaned towards me and planted a kiss on my left cheek. It was enough to take away some of the coldness, leaving an even bigger smile than earlier on my face. "Other side, please..." I turned towards her and then she kissed my right one.

We both giggled. The pink of my cheeks persisted, but now for other reasons.

"I'm missing something, aren't I?" Lana's face still lingered closely to mine. Her hand went up and caressed my cheek, brushing away any windswept strands of hair that were set loose moments before outside. Her hand cupped my cheeks as she kissed me softly. I was definitely warm now.

"Not anymore." I smiled while I whispered as our lips disconnected. Lana smacked her lips, making me notice they were painted a deep red shade. She looked me down with a smirk on her face before turning away to pull out of my home.

I later noticed in the mirror that my own lips had transfer-stained slightly, after the kiss.

We were driving to a small cafe in a nearby town. A place i'd never been to but Lana assured was the absolute best. It was the day before Christmas Eve, and I was desperate to spend as much time as possible with her before all of the holiday dinners and time sent into the void without her.

The place was busy upon arrival, but we found a table to accommodate us next to the fireplace that was lit. The lighting was low in contrast to the bright white storm that blazed outside. On one side, Lana's face was lit by the warm fire. On the side by the window, it was the natural light that bounced off of her skin. And there was the gleam in her eyes that sparkled over it all.

She ordered us waffles, hot chocolate, and fruit. As we waited, we lost ourselves in the deep waters of conversation accompanied by the pleasant feeling that loomed from simply being with each other. I loved to watch her lips curl into a smile whenever i'd start talking.

Or, how she'd be so captivated with my words, and lean forward propping her head up with her hands as her elbows rested atop the table. I loved how much attention she gave me. I felt important to someone for once.

The food came to us and we started to eat. All of it was delicious. By the end, we were left sipping our hot chocolate, full with the food and happiness in our bodies.

I looked down at my watch, about an hour had passed and we hadn't planned anything to do afterwards. I was getting anxious just thinking about leaving.

Lana checked the time on her phone too. "Shit-" She muttered.


"I forgot to tell you- Chuck's coming back today." Lana hastily finished the rest of her hot chocolate.

"Oh really?" I was delighted to hear that. The last time I'd seen her was the night we first met. We got along pretty well, from what I remember.

"Yeah, her flight lands in a little over an hour." She waived for the bill, which led to a small argument about who would pay. I managed to convince her to let me; and by that, I mean that I practically forced her.

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