chapter twenty-nine part two: anger

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I stand between the two, looking anxiously as I watch them scan each other from top to bottom. My eyes start fluttering anxiously.

Lana stands firm and fierce, ready for whatever's to come.

Irene's eyes shift for a second, and I see that she's slightly intimidated, and maybe even a little uncomfortable.

She quickly hides this with a subtly small smile as her hand slowly extends and meets Lana's.

It feels eerily silent, like my ears are ringing, until she speaks up. "I'm Irene," she says, shaking Lana's hand quickly. The silence I'd imagined seems to fade away, and the loud bar sounds seemingly start in our surroundings again.

Lana grins. The handshake feels like it takes forever until Lana finally slithers her hand away. I sigh under my breath a little bit out of relief and it feels like the world around us speeds up again. "She's my friend from all the way back home." I quickly add as the two stare at each other as complete strangers.

"Oh," Lana says. "That's a long way to come," she adds, looking directly at me with a look of surprise, and just a bit of confusion in her eyes.

Is she jealous?

Irene laughs and suddenly pulls me closer to her by the arm. "I wouldn't wanna miss her special day," She swings her arm over my shoulder, making me stiffen. I can see the shift in Lana's eyes now, the sudden alarm at the idea of competition.

She definitely knows the same as I do. Like a sixth sense.

I try to wiggle away from Irene, just because it feels so tense between the three of us the closer I am physically to either of them.

And it isn't for stupid reasons, because this feeling, I hadn't felt it when it was just Zella, Irene, and me. It feels like there's unspoken feelings looming overhead, clouding and caving us in. I hate it like this. The only thing I want right now is for things to be normal. Not awkward.

I see from behind Lana, that someone new comes into the bar. My mind decides to focus on this to avoid the hellish tension playing out in the moment, and also because the girl that walks in is just who I've been waiting for.

I rush to the girl, leaving Lana and Irene to settle the tension, if they ever manage to. Which I doubt, but that's another thing I don't wanna think about in the moment.

I yell out, "Natalie!" because she doesn't notice me at first, and looks a bit lost.

I place a hand on her shoulder for her to take me into account, and soon her face lights up as I come into close view. "Oh, hey," she yells. "Thanks for inviting me!" she greets me with a kiss on the cheek. She looks as pleasant as I remember at the Halloween party.

Thinking back to the Halloween party, Lana and I, my heart can't help but flutter.

I laugh. "I thought you wouldn't make it, honestly," I say. "Did you come all the way from LA?" I ask, a little apologetic at the fact that she might've come so far just for this.

"Oh god no, I've been meeting with a few producers for my next album in Brooklyn, so this flight was like, nothing," she admits, which makes me glad.

Her eyes scan the place eagerly, and I watch as her face lights up when she sees a few familiar faces. The biggest familiar face in sight, is Declan's.

"This place is his." I comment, noticing that she smirks in his direction as he notices her from a distance as well. "Why don't we find Zella first?" I joke, seeing that she definitely wants to gravitate toward Declan.

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