chapter twenty-nine part three: rush

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Note: Sexual content is marked between the ***'s in case you choose to skip!

It's the adrenaline that takes control.

The rush to keep our fire from going out, the fast, urging heartbeats, the desire that comes from within, keeps us as quiet as the night on the winding roads that we travel on. I feel a headache coming on from how fast my blood runs.

Quiet is how we stay as Lana drives on, fleeting, feeling sick with desire, away from the bar.

Quiet is how we stay when Lana finally reaches the nearest motel, the little, quiet, Lake Placid motel, sweet in its homeliness, where we've chosen to play out our most raging desires.


But the silence turns to nothing as soon as Lana returns to the car that she's left me in, hers, parked by the light, with a room key dangling in one hand. When she opens my door before I can do so myself, she pulls me out by the collar of my shirt with a fiery kiss.

I play along, because there's nothing more that I want right now than her.

Our room only a few feet away, and still, we can't waste any time. A second away from her as she clumsily fumbles with the key in the knob feels like eternity.

And then it opens, and I throw my lips back onto hers as we stumble in, slamming the door shut in the process.

I feel for the switch against the wall, still never leaving her lips, until I feel the yellow light on my eyelids.

I pull away slightly, my hands cupping her face, and flutter my eyes open.

I take notice at the heavy breaths that escape her lips, holding her as I do. Her hands are on my back, hugging me tightly, keeping me close from straying away.

Her eyes flutter open for the brief moment in which I've held us back.

I see the venom run through her eyes in golden strains.

Indescifrable, even to herself. She tries to get a grip on it, explore what it is that she's feeling, because God knows neither of us knows how to express this anger that's tearing us up inside.

I slide my thumb across her cheek with my thumb, feeling her burning hot skin under my fingertip. "I'm sorry..." I mumble, feeling my eyes furrow and my gaze turn soft in a moment of weakness.

The faltering, iridescent glint in her eyes touches base, and finally, like I pulled the trigger on the gun, she feels the raging surge finding the outlet. It's the click.

We need this more than we can imagine.

This is how we need to heal.


Lana's hands dart up from my back and slide the remainder up from my shoulders, all the way to my neck. She presses in with her grip. I let out a slight gasp at the pressure, not too tight to hurt unbearably, but just enough to feel myself melting away and realize how much I enjoy her control over me.

She lunges me forward under her grip to kiss me roughly, sloppily, enough to know how smeared and stained my lips are getting from her hungry kisses.

I can feel my core pulsing at how well she's gotten me under her spell, at a point where I start to push my body against hers to feel her close as much as I need her.

I moan softly against her lips when one of her hands unravels from my neck and squeezes my waist closer.

She pulls away without warning, maybe if only to take a breath at first, but most certainly to focus on more areas on my body to conquer.

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