chapter twenty-seven: surprise

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"Please." Zella says as she rolls her eyes. "If anything, you'll still find me here in five years." she admits, pretty depressingly.

I take a bite from my slice of pizza as I shake my head. "Ugh, don't say that." I say in between my chew.

We're talking about our very unpredictable futures over dinner, at my house.

Friday night. The day before my birthday. The day before the party.

"I'm just saying," she reasserts with a playful shrug. "You never know how things turn out."

"Yeah, well, speaking that shit into existence won't exactly help your case." I joke. Zella gawks in offense that isn't truly taken. "Besides, you've got your own little thing going on," I clear my throat and point my finger in her direction. "And you'd be surprised how good you do it."

Zella raises a brow. "You really think the music stuff'll work out?" she replies blushingly.

I smile. "The world is in your hands, dear..." I say just a little dramatically to cut some of the seriousness.

She smiles in gratitude before looking down at her food. The smile stays as she stares in thought, but is suddenly broken when she giggles and looks back out at me confusingly. "Look at you, all positive nowadays and everything..." she jokes with a smirk. I roll my eyes.

Things really have changed lately.

Starting from the slowly crumbling ice between Lana and I.

"You know how it goes," I say casually, trying to suppress the four-letter name that comes to mind. "I guess i'm starting to see the results from the sessions with Dr. Harrison." I add. And well, I guess he's also another person I owe for my bettering.

"You sure that's the only reason?" Zella asks with a playful nudge. I start to fluster inside. "I mean, I don't mean to be nosy, but showing up to her class—what, two days in a row now? Did I miss something? And that look on your face the whole hour, you're not exactly discrete." she rants on knowingly.

"Oh, shut up-" I start with a smile I can't hold in. I give Zella a playful push.

"Okay, fineee..." she says as she laughs loudly, taking a step back from my deathly reach. "Well whatever your reasons are, you're doing great, babe." she reassures.

I shake my head. "It was you, wasn't it?" I ask vaguely.

Zella furrows her brows. "Huh?"

I press my palms over the countertop of the kitchen island as I lean forwards. "You told Lana about what we're doing at Declan's." I finally explain.

She smirks smugly. I sigh, and before I can say anything, she explains herself. "It was supposed to be a little surprise! Plus, I felt bad for how iced out you've had her..." Zella crosses her arms with a stern look.

"Okay, but I just don't think that was up to you to decide." I say. I look away from Zella out of annoyance.

"Come on," she insists, coming close again. I look back at her without wanting to budge. "You know you love me for it," she pouts and places her hands on my cheeks as she tries to bother me even more by pretending to try and give me a kiss.

I laugh as I push her away again. "Whatever—still don't think it was a good call from you." I take a drink from my glass.

"Can you blame me?" she snaps back. I shoot her a glare. She sighs loudly. "Don't act like my little push didn't do you two any good..."

"Yeah, well, you practically forced it onto us." I mutter, too lowly for Zella to understand. I shake my head and roll my eyes, letting her know I won't repeat myself. She lets my passing comment go, and i'm personally relieved.

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