chapter twelve: thankful

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Note: Sexual content is marked between the ***'s in case you choose to skip!

"Ale, open the front door. Porfa!" My father took the roasted turkey out of the oven. Me, I sat at the couch half asleep watching some of the commercials that were running on the television. I had heard the ring of the doorbell but didn't want to open it. That would be the first of many guests arriving for Thanksgiving.

I sighed deeply and went up to the door. As I opened it, I smiled falsely to assimilate with the crowd.

People couldn't believe I was real. They greeted me and said things like, "We finally get to meet Ethan's daughter!" "You look just like him." and the worst one of all, "She looks more like her mother."

Some of these people allegedly knew me when I was younger. I didn't recognize a single one. Maybe it was my anxiety or my antisocial tendencies, but I was really not having a fun time. Especially when strangers tried to ask me about my personal life like we were friends our whole lives.

I hid my annoyance very well because I didn't want to ruin this for my father. Here we all were, the people who care about him most, and that he loves to spend his time with. Seeing him cheerful was enough to help me pull through, even for just a bit.

So I smiled and nodded my way through conversations, and finally came dinner time. The one great thing about it was that everyone brought something. I sat at my father's side at the table, which was probably the highlight of everything up to that point. I actually managed to have a good time while seated at the table as everyone grew drunk and their words and jokes rolled off of their tongues with ease.

I was scared of getting drunk and revealing too many details about myself. I just listened and laughed.

Eventually all of the guests grew full with so much good food that they moved to the living room and began to watch the game. They cheered on, and booed, and did every other action that people who have fun do. I wasn't even understanding how the score of the game worked.

Boredom was settling upon me. My mind wandered to Lana, and how she might be spending the holiday.

I snuck away up to my bedroom and began to call her. Four rings passed and she finally picked up.

"Hello?" She seemed distant.

"Hey, what's up?" I paced across my room.

"Nothing..." She paused. "Just grading some stuff."

"At the school?" I asked suspiciously.

She was hesitant to answer. "Yeah, I just wanted to get ahead of some work, y'know." The crowd downstairs cheered so loudly that Lana was able to hear it. "Seems like you're having fun."

"I'm not." I quickly replied. "My dad, he wanted to have this big dinner." I started to laugh. "I snuck away because I was bored. And, I wanted to see how you were doing."

"I'm good, don't know how long i'll be here though." She sighed and sounded bored.

"Have you eaten yet?" I quickly looked for an excuse to go see her.

"No, I was just planning on getting something right now-" I cut her off.

"I can bring you a plate. There's some really good food downstairs, you know." I proposed convincingly.

"Like what?" She asked jokingly. She didn't think I was serious.

"Anything you can think of. Some of the best apple pie, too." I confidently offered.

"That's a tempting offer..." She replied playfully.

"I'll be there soon. Don't leave yet." I quickly hung up and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

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