chapter thirteen: lesson

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I was walking into Lana's class after Thanksgiving break was over. The short vacation was done and over with, and the final stretch before Christmas would arrive at our doorsteps was surely going to feel like an eternity.

Zella sat at my side as everyone slowly got settled. I wasn't the only one dreading the day. She was half falling asleep and not being as talkative as she usually is.

But at least I had something worthwhile—Professor Grant. We briefly spoke once since Thanksgiving Day.

My eyes followed Lana's motions discretely. At her desk, she would straighten her posture and ruffle her hair before finally standing up gracefully—prepared for what was to come.

She gathered papers and wrote things down on the chalkboard. She would crack her knuckles more often than I thought throughout class. She wasn't tall enough to write higher up, so she would stand on her tippy toes as her hand reached up high to write in her beautiful handwriting. These were all things I never paid too much attention to.

None of her notes I could actually focus on because all I paid attention to was her, and how her lips moved, and how each little facial expression showed the passion that she communicated with. Her eyes would bat enthusiastically after every word, full of a readable emotion.

She also has a way of talking that makes you just want to listen even, if you don't understand a word of the complex concepts she speaks so much of.

I also found that I couldn't stop staring at the desk. Yes, the one where it all happened. I imagined what we did as if I was in third person. Lana wore similar jeans to the ones she wore that specific day. To say I was daydreaming would be an understatement. I felt elevated, knowing that i'd seen and loved her body like no one else in this room.

Class was coming to an end and I hadn't paid attention to the discourse even once. Lana's eyes locked onto mine and I felt myself turn warm. Then, Zella nudged me and broke me out of my trance. "Hm?" I quickly realized the entire class was staring at me now.

Lana had asked me some type of question. Its complexity was entirely unknown to me, though I probably could've answered it if i'd heard it. My face turned red as I stared blankly, no one filling me in on what i'd missed. Then, a boy in the back said something that sufficed as an answer for Lana. She grinned at him and I felt embarrassed.

In my spur of anxiety, the rest of her words were completely blocked out and so was much of the rest of the hour.

I'd spent it all doing nothing.

I was quick to pack and leave for class, Zella right behind me on this one. We were the first out the door. Before crossing the doorframe, I glanced at Lana's desk. She was staring a hole right through me. I was starting to feel bad for being so distracted.

In a matter of a second, life moved on and Zella and I were already halfway down the hall.

"Jeez, i've never seen you like that. Didn't get much sleep?" Zella's quick steps were revealing to be difficult to match.

I was incapable of revealing the details of that fateful day to Zella, and how they were occupying my mind a little too much. If Lana could act normally, why couldn't I?

"Yeah." I faked a yawn. We approached a study hall and I made a quick decision. If i'd made a fool of myself in her class, it'd be a good idea to get back on track again for what i'd missed. And that would go for all of my other classes, as i'd been so occupied in my emotions that I was forgetting about the grueling schoolwork I was yet to do. "I'm going to stay here for a little while longer." I leaned on the entrance of the place.

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