chapter five: why do they warn me about you?

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Lana drove me back home that night.

She held my hand the whole ride back. Our grip was so tight that I could feel the blood pulsing through the veins in her hand, in her palm, up to her fingertips.

I was so happy.

We were so happy.

Not a drop of doubt crossed my mind because I knew I had her close.

It was making me dizzy.

She finally stopped just outside of my house. I wanted to ask her if she wanted to come in, maybe even get her to stay the night.

But my father's bedroom light was still on, and I knew he was waiting for me. Be home quick, or i'll worry.

She was quick to notice the small detail of the soft yellow light, too.

Her warmth began to fade away, she was jumping into reality quicker than I was. That big smile that was smitten on her face the whole ride back slowly vanished. It was replaced by a simple grin.

"Why don't you come in?" I asked out of formality, though we both knew it was a terrible idea.

"I think we better call it a night." She looked down at the steering wheel. I had a burning desire for her, but I was moving too quickly. I was sad, to say the least, but I was grateful for what we accomplished in those few hours.

"Yeah, I guess so." I sighed and turned to watch her. She seemed to be thinking for a few seconds before finally turning to me as well. I wished I could keep those fluttering, angelic, hazel eyes on me forever.

I remembered our last goodbye, and how she vanished from my life for months. I didn't want that to happen again—even if this time I'd only go without hearing from her for four days, until the next time I'd see her in class. "Do you have anything to write with?" I asked

"Uh, yeah--check the glovebox." I pulled a pen out and found a loose paper in there as well. I started to write down my number.

"You can call me whenever..." I folded the paper in half and handed it to her.

She smiled, a small curl at one end tilted upwards. I didn't know what to think of it.

Did she never want to see me again, or was she terrified of what was happening like I was?

"Will do." She replied lowly. I began to open the door and just as I was about to step out, she stopped me by wrapping her hand around my forearm lightly. Just enough for me to stop and get back in. "Hold on," she whispered. I stood staring breathlessly at her grasp for a moment.

She pulled me back in, towards her, and held me in a tight embrace. Without hesitation I wrapped my arms under hers and gave into my weakness—her sweet kindness. Lana loosened her embrace on me. I wanted to have her warmth around me forever.

I felt a warmth on my cheek as her own glided against mine, angling her lips towards the end of the moment to leave a soft kiss on my cheek. "Stay safe, alright?" She murmured. She was so close I could feel her soft breaths.

"I will." I smiled.

By the time I closed the front door, I was still smiling like a madman.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I instantly hoped it was Lana adding me into her contact list.

As I turned it on to look at the notification center, my heart sank.


Como te va? 1m ago

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