chapter twenty-four: truth

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Note: Sexual content is marked between the ***'s in case you choose to skip!


The rumors I once heard were anything but false.

"Hey, wait!" Zella half-yelled while running after me. My heart was still racing and I chose to ignore her calls. "I said wait!" She spun me back around by the shoulder, successfully breaking my flee.

I rolled my eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. Zella's eager eyes begged for an explanation. "We need to leave. Now." I managed to say in my frustration.

"What happened back there?" She asked, furrowing her brows in confusion.

She really didn't have a clue.

I gave Zella a pleading look, which lessened the harshness of her own worried and confused look. "Come on." I grumbled as I grabbed her arm in a moment of impatience and forcefully pulled her along and out the building with me.

We got to her car, and she finally freed herself from my grip. "What just happened in there?" She quickly asked, swinging the door open and hopping into the driver's seat. I'd already made my way into the car, sinking into my seat like I was hiding.

As if sitting in a car outside of the building was any better.

"Drive." I coldly replied, ignoring her endless questioning as I buckled up.

Zella stared at me in disbelief for a few seconds before sighing deeply and finally starting the car up. I folded my arms and sulked.

I ran through everything that had just played out inside of my head. Still, nothing made sense. This just brought up more questions than answers.

Answers that only Lana had.

"You really aren't going to tell me?" She suddenly asked, interrupting my thoughts. I realized we'd probably been driving for about five minutes in silence.

I looked out my window. "I just need a little time to think," I replied pensively.

I could feel Zella's restless energy like it were a fire lighting up a dead night. Searing hot and trying to creep through. I chose to resist for a little while longer.

"Come," Zella interrupted my thoughts once more, and now i'd realized we had come to a complete stop. I turned to her and she nudged her head to her left. We were outside of her house. "We can talk inside."
She smiled warmly.

I had faith in her good intentions and gave her a small grin. "Okay." I shakily replied. We climbed out and made our way inside.

Zella dropped her bag at the doorway and I followed her into the living room. "My roommate isn't home so you won't have to worry about talking too loud," She lightheartedly said as she threw herself onto the couch.

I nervously took a seat next to her. "That's the last of my worries, believe me." I pressed on my temples as I shut my eyes.

Zella tapped the armrest of the couch. "So what's got you so worried? Did something happen between the two of you again?"

I finally opened my eyes and gave Zella a slight frown. I sat there for a moment, trying to think, but nothing came to mind. Maybe I was still shocked, but I just felt like a thoughtless void.

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