chapter twenty-six: formality

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March 3rd

I'm sitting in the library, bordering on falling asleep, and keeping my head up only by the force of my hand to rest on. My eyes quickly scan the lines on the pages of my textbook.

I've been doing this for what feels like ages, and my eyes are too strained to handle any longer.

I check the time on my wrist. 4:37 PM.

It's only been about two hours. Jesus.

I sigh loudly, taking the liberty to make as much noise as I want. No one's in here, anyways. No one's ever in this library, it seems. I like being in here to do some of my work, mostly because it's not home.

As it turns out, once you start telling professors your mother died, and that's why you've missed their class so much, they're so much more forgiving.

But that only works for so long. And then, the work starts to peek around the corner. So, now you have to go back and learn over a month's worth of work, in just a few weeks. Like me.

Don't be like me.

Regardless of my struggle, I rub my eyes and get back to studying, or at least I try to. I end up reading a page three times, because every time I finish, I can't remember a single thing.

Things are going perfectly fine.

Maybe it was the fact that I was so bored and stressed out of my mind, mixing with how horrible I'd slept the night before—and every night before that, to be honest, but I rested my head down on the table for like, two seconds, and boom. I fell asleep.

I'm out for just a couple of minutes. Sleep never felt so good. That textbook felt like the comfiest pillow, I swear.

I suddenly awaken to the sound of the library doors in their full, obnoxiously squeaky glory, swing open.

My head shoots up from its resting place.

In an embarrassed attempt to act like I wasn't just sleeping, I shake my head a little and seamlessly pretend to be studying again, never looking up to who might've come in. I yawn a little as I flip a page carelessly.

Suddenly, the chair across from me is pulled out, and the person quickly takes a seat down right with me. I look up from my textbook, confused.

Those deep, furtive eyes match up to mine. Her hair looks a little different, and I recognize that it's because she cut it just a little shorter. It's down, and it frames her face so perfectly. Her lips. I can't avoid looking down at them. She holds a kind smile with a dash of heaven in it. So sweet.

"What're you still doing here?" Lana asks humorously, which lessens how awkward I feel. I'm glad she's the first to speak.

I grin, which slowly turns into a wide smile that I can't ever seem to suppress when I hear her voice. I unfold my hands and signal them to the heavy, thick book out in front of me. I glance at the rest of the table, and notice the mess of papers and books that I have going on.

"Ah." She mouths with a giggle. Her fingers curl on the edge of the table and she taps them a little. The awkwardness returns, but by now it's coming from the both of us.

"What about you?" I ask, trying to kill some of the silence. I close the textbook with no hesitation.

Lana sighs, and then looks around for a second. "Doing whatever, I guess." she casually says, pursing her lips.

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