chapter eight: invitation

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"Fuck, I totally failed the exam." I held my face in my hands while talking. An all nighter of studying would prove to render itself useless.

Zella nudged me playfully. "Watch you do amazing like always."

"I'm serious this time. Those questions were nothing like the assignments!" I said exasperatedly. We were talking about a stats class. My least favorite class.

"Fuck me, I flew right through it. I'd be surprised if I got any correct." Zella was driving but came to a stop outside of the Pub. We were in Lake Placid on a Friday night.

Almost an entire month had gone by. Zella and I had been going back and forth as friends ever since we went to that party.

I quickly began to get out of the car. "C'mon, I need a drink."

We made our way in and the place was unusually empty.

"Look who finally showed up!" Declan yelled while sweeping the main floor. I was genuinely happy to see him, as with school and everything we hadn't gotten a chance to speak. "Don't know if I should be worried you're coming at these hours, though." He brought me into an embrace and we quickly separated after his eyes made contact with Zella.

He likes her. You'd be a fool to not notice.

"Is 3 o'clock too early to get hammered for you?" Zella said sarcastically. "We can take our business elsewhere, if that's the case."

"Hey, by no means would I deny a girl like you a drink." He responded jokingly. She began to laugh. She always seemed to play along with his sly flirting, but never any further. I think she just liked the game of it.

"Serve me up, will you?" I practically pleaded. He headed to the bar and gave me the usual. A glass of wine, just like the very first day and the ones that followed.

Zella sat at the bar next to me. She sat looking at her phone for some time before lighting up and turning it off.

"Have any halloween plans?" She happily asked. I already knew where things were going.

"You know the answer." I smirked.

"Okay. Halloween night at a friend's place, then." She casually said.

"Who?" I asked, hesitant about the offer.

"You don't know 'em. A ton of my musician friends, no one from the uni." She scrolled through her phone.

"Sounds fun..." I sarcastically replied at Zella's vagueness.

"Maybe you can finally take your girl out for a night." Zella winked. She referred to Lana.

Lana and I hadn't formally "gone out" since the night I slept at her house. Sure, I saw her in class, and yes, i'd make her blush as I listened attentively to every word that came out of her mouth during her lectures, but nothing happened since.

Other than the phone calls we'd make each other at the end of the week without fail. In fact, I was longing for time to go by quicker and for six o'clock to come closer so I could call her immediately.

I have her on speedial

"What about me? who's taking me out?" Declan joked.

"You're invited too, I guess." Zella said nonchalantly. She was driving him crazy.

My phone buzzed. Lana had sent me a message.

-Finishing up some grading, i'll be free for u soon :)

I smiled as I sat staring at my phone.


Declan and Zella both exclaimed at the same time. I rolled my eyes as they instantly knew who was texting me.

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