chapter seven: rumors

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The morning after was a real pain.

Lana and I had the sheets drawn over our bodies, so when I opened my eyes all I could see was the white fabric and the morning light that seeped through it.

What had awoken me was the sound of my phone being bombarded with phone calls. Even though my ringer was set to low, I managed to hear it faintly.

With one hand, I raised the sheet up just a bit to form the shape of a tent, to the point where I could see Lana's figure on her side of the bed. Her light breaths were rhythmic as she slept on her stomach. Her face faced me and she looked so precious.

But damn, the hangover was killing me and that damn phone wouldn't stop buzzing.

My phone was somewhere on the floor next to the bed. So as to not awaken Lana, I slithered one of my hands out from under the sheet and felt around the floor until I managed to find it.

I had 14 missed calls from my father, and more going through as I held my phone unlocked. I took one good look to my left again at Lana for reassurance, who was still completely asleep. I turned to my side away from her and looked through all of the missed messages and calls.

4 calls from Declan.
2 messages that read:

- Where r u? ur dad's asking me
- Pick the fuck up!!!

The rest were messages from my father that were all along the lines of: "pick up the phone!" "come home!" and of course, "i'm going to call the police if I don't hear from you."

I was irritated because I hated being mad at my father. I also hated that he was acting so controlling.

I sent a message to him.

- I'm okay. I'll be home.

I locked my phone and deeply exhaled. I didn't want to leave, I didn't even want to move because I had Lana so close yet so far away. She was off in the world of dreams, and I was stuck in a world where all I wanted to do was dream. To be pretty little fool in love, in bed, with her.

Lana began to stir on cue, like my thoughts had trespassed her mind. I turned back to face her and found those big eyes fluttering open slowly. Her face was puffy from the sleep and she oddly looked perfect.

"Morning..." she mumbled. Her sleepy voice was soft and light.

"Hi." I whispered. I felt like a train wreck compared to Lana. This peaceful energy was washed over her. Whether it comes from maturity or just a beautiful soul, I couldn't tell. I felt so tense compared to her.

My phone buzzed some more and those hazel eyes quickly glanced away and down at the phone that was pressed close to my chest.

"Shit, is it your dad?" Lana pulled the sheet off of us. We were now exposed to the full natural light.

"Yeah." I didn't want to lie because I imagined she would see right through me. Besides, I was already beginning to worry about everything in my life. The sweet moment of peace that I was having in bed with Lana was long over.

"You should've woken me up earlier. I've got to get you home-" Lana began to get up in a hurry, but I didn't want to move. I was entangled in her bed, and her scent lingered all over it. It felt like heaven.

"It's fine, I just told him i'm okay. That'll calm him down." I sat up on the bed and stretched my arms out. My gaze followed Lana's hasty movements.

She was very active for just waking up. Immediately she began to run her fingers through her hair as she tied a loose bun and proceeded to slip a coat on. Within seconds she was ready while I hadn't moved a muscle.

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