chapter twenty-nine part one: tension

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- Happy Birthday, xo.

I smile at the message I've woken up to. My mind quickly settles into a thoughtless moment as my heart leaps, which I gladly accept.

Anything to forget the realizations I made the night before.

The only thing I want is for everything to wash away, so I don't have to face the truth.

My bedroom door swings open, causing me to look over the top of my phone. The air quickly wavers of faint maple syrup and butter. "Breakfast!" Zella yells, stretching her arms wide as she strides in.

I laugh and bury my face into my hands, trying to rub off how strange the day already feels. I can already sense there's too much happiness in the air, the type I feel I could ruin any moment now. "Morning to you too," I mumble, yawning as I get up.

Zella rolls her eyes. As soon as I'm on my feet, she starts dragging me by the arm. "I put too much effort into this already . You are not gonna be unappreciative, not on my watch." She half-seriously grumbles as we start down the hallway.

She stops us before we can breeze by the guest bedroom. The pit in my stomach returns. Zella knocks hastily, though rather softly. Barely a second goes by before the person on the other side swings the door open, wide-eyed, energetic, and the farthest from seeming like they just woke up.

"Breakfast is ready, if you'd like to join us..." Zella says sweetly, in a tone I only ever hear when she's nervous and trying to be polite.

Irene glances over at me, and I grin slightly. She smiles with her perfect white teeth. "I'll be down." she replies. I nod my head and start pulling Zella along so as to stop any small-talk from forming.

"What?" Zella grits through her teeth as soon as we start to reach the bottom of the stairs.

"You're making this awkward," I start, knowing fully well that I'm really the only one who's being awkward. "Give her some space."

Zella sighs as she pulls away. "Oh, whatever," she mumbles, strolling towards the already-set dining table. "Just tell your dad to get down here, too. The food's getting cold." she says, giving me a sharp glare as she takes a bite of some toast.

So this is where we're at.


"How do I look?" I ask shyly, walking out of the bathroom.

Zella looks away from the mirror, where she's been doing her makeup. Her eyes widen with a smile. "Gorgeous, fuck..." she answers dramatically, putting a hand to her mouth as she squeals. I take a stand behind her to take a look in the mirror.

I feel too awkward to dress up this good.

I'm wearing a short, deep red skirt that sits tightly up to my waist. I've got a sheer black blouse thrown over top, with the buttons closest to the collar left open, enough to show some skin.

I rub at my chest with my hand as I stare transfixed at myself. I haven't dressed up in a long time. "I don't know..." I mumble doubtfully, feeling like I look horrendous. "I might try something else."

Zella snaps her head back and shoots me a glare. "You've been through three outfits already!" she yells, exasperated. "And you've already outdone me on all of them."

"You're kidding," I laugh, disagreeing. I place my hands on her shoulders and match her eyes through the mirror. "You actually planned something cute. I have no clue what I'm doing."

Zella takes the compliment happily. "Seriously though, I feel so good," she giggles, posing in the mirror. She's wearing a beautiful dark thrifted blazer over an intricate white top, and really, her makeup and confidence elevates her to a whole new level. "Get real. You're the birthday girl. Be happy you get to dress slutty."

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