something\\2 (✔️)

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(Rash and Zizzy's appearances on this story will be based from the picture above AND I DON'T SHIP THEM REEEEEEEEEEE- And since Isabela_Blue is one of my favorite animators, maybe the characters apppearances will be based from her artworks)

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(Rash and Zizzy's appearances on this story will be based from the picture above AND I DON'T SHIP THEM REEEEEEEEEEE- And since Isabela_Blue is one of my favorite animators, maybe the characters apppearances will be based from her artworks)

Pony took a sigh of relief. They had just stole a pie under Poley's very nose and got away with it. He chuckled softly, watching the cop chase Rash (who had just stolen a bag of cookies), who had a triumphant grin before blowing a raspberry.

Then he heard sobbing from the right side (or from Willow's hideout, respectively), making him leave the silly chase alone. "Willow?" he asked.

No answer.

Pony knocked on the door. No answer.

Why is she crying, though?

He opened the door, poking his head right through it to only see the wolf sobbing, her tail and ears flopped down. She's a tough one. Why is she crying?

Tough ones can show their emotional and sweet side too, I guess.

Then he noticed the scarf on the floor. Her sibling...

"Willow?" Pony whispered, closing the door behind him. "Are you alright?"

"W-W-William..." Willow sobbed, crying into her hands as she stood up.

Pony approached her before holding her shoulder and making her face him. "Please don't cry alone," he said sweetly. "Show me your face,"

The wolf shook her head. "Please?" Pony whispered, combing his fingers through her bushy hair.

Willow shook her head more. "I don't want to show you," she mumbled. "You might tease me,"

"Its okay to cry, Willow," Pony said gently. "You can show me. I will not tease you or anything,"

That made Willow uncover her face, her eyes brimming with tears.

"You look pretty when you cry," said Pony with a small smile, wiping her tears using his thumb, making the wolf blush lightly. "Don't worry, you can cry on me," Then he wrapped his arms around her, making Pony red as he awkwardly patted her back., as Willow cried on his shoulder, hugging him back.

His hugs are so warm...

After a while, Willow sniffed, letting go. "Thank you Pony," she muttered, looking away.

Pony smiled. "I'll be staying away from here for a while," he whispered.

Willow looked at him, teary-eyed. "Why?"

"Work you know. My dad will not be pleased when he figures out that I am a thief,"

"But you are now!"

"I don't steal all the time as you," said Pony gently. "But don't worry, your brother will be safe and I'll tell Rash to keep you company, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," said Willow sadly, picking up her brother's scarf.

1.1: 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰||𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕪 𝕩 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨Where stories live. Discover now