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"Boss!" Katie said with a smirk.

Willow sighed, a week after seeing Poley. "Yes?" she questioned, as the black cat entered her offfice.

"I think I saw Kitty and Tigry snogging their asses off-"

"KATIE!!!!" Kitty complained, bursting in to the wolf's office as well and shoving the cat aside with an irritated scowl on her face. "I just confessed to Tigry and he says I'm cute!"

"And he suddenly kissed her afterwards-"


"Blah blah,"

Katie then ran outside, with the ginger cat chasing her. "COME BACK HERE FUCKER!!!!!!!" Kitty screamed.

Katie only stuck her tongue out, before dashing into who knows where.

Willow sighed sadly, before feeling a lump in her pocket. "Huh?" she muttered.

She fished in her pocket and pulled the item out, which turns out to be the hanky that Pony has given her in the last few months. 

Cry in here, okay?

That made Willow tear up, as she placed the hanky by her nose, sniffing it. She caught a hint of Pony's scent, making her miss him more, as she sobbed on it.


Its been the next few weeks (i love time-skipping cuz why not-) and Tigry has proudly announced that he was dating Kitty, making everyone whoop and cheer, but three.

"CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!" Filip hollered.

"KNEW THAT YOU TWO ARE GOING TO BE OUR FIRST COUPLE!!!!" Katie shrieked in excitement, while Felix yelled "Invite me to your wedding soon!"

And Kitty screamed. "Why would I marry him when I would date him?!"

And Tigry just smirked. "You're being too cute, Kitty, you know-"

"You fucking little-"

Tigry then dashed off. a triumphant grin on his face as an irritated ginger chased him round and round the cafeteria.

Meanwhile in Willow's office, Willow was staring at a radio, along with Baren and Pandy.

"Hello?" a female voice squeaked from the radio's other end.

"Is it working?" an uncertain male voice came.

Willow sighed, before speaking deeply in the radio's microphone "Hello there. We can hear you. This is Settlement 6 speaking... who is this?"

"Oh, this is the Safe Place!" the same female voice said. "How can we help?"

"We're looking for communities to trade with. We'd like you to meet up with us,"

"Where shall we go to find you?"

"Meet us at the Old Oak,"

Then Willow turned off the radio on them, leaving a static on the recipients other end.

"Guess that we'll have to move," Willow said. Then she turned to the two bears. "You two, take your weapons. Take the new couple with us. We'll ambush them. Tell the other three to stand guard in this base. And make sure Filip doesn't let Poley escape. He'll be quite useful today,"

Only Pandy saluted, and ran off.

Willow sighed, sticking her revolver in her belt before looking at Baren, who hasn't moved from his spot, not even a single inch.

"What?" she questioned, and eyebrow arched. "Are you going to move or not?"

"What if Pony was one of that Safe Place members that will come meet up with us?" the black bear asked uncertainly.

Wilow's ears flatened at the name. Then she sniffed. "He doesn't even care about us anymore. He willingly left us. He's a fucking traitor. I'll reflect his last actions towards him,"

"Don't you... like him?"

Willow glared at him, before remembering his attempt to kiss her. "He... he doesn't even like me," she mumbled. "He wants us to be friends, that's all,"

The wolf looked like that she needed a hug right now. She doesn't like Pony after his departure, especially his recent frosty personality towards her. He's also family to her....

Like William...

A tear traced down her cheek, making Baren approach her and capturing her in a warm embrace (NOT A SHIP SCENE KSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKS-). Willow went red, hugging him back.

"Don't worry Willow," he said quietly. "I'm sure he misses you,"

"He-He doesn't," Willow sobbed. Then she just realized whats going on.

"Eh?" she asked quietly, looking up at him. "Why- Why are you hugging me?"

"Leaders hug each other sometimes, right?" Baren mumbled. (yes, in my TSP headcanons, its Baren whom Willow is closest with)

Then they pulled away quickly. "I'll get my weapon okay?" he said.

Then he ran off. 

Willow breathed heavily. Then she sniffed, wiping her tears with her scarf. "That's... that's awkward," she muttered to herself.


"When will they come?"

The sun shone high up upon the quartet. "It's too hot!" Sequence- the youngest detective (or cop) in history, being a working student at age 11- groaned, kicking the sandals off her feet.

"Told ya," Rachelle di Angelo grumbled in a strong Italian accent.

"I think we should go," Pony said at once. "There's no one here,"

"Hmph," Sequence grumbled, sitting down on the grass. "They'll think we fooled them,"

"Wear your sandals, Quence," Zizzy said quietly.

"Not until those people come," Sequence said grumpily.

Pony sighed, before looking deeply in the woods, hoping to see a glimpse of those visitors.

Then a familiar voice came behind them. "Well well well... what do we have here?"

Pony tensed, before slowly looking around like the other 3 to see... her.

And Willow's eyes widened, the old emotions building up in her mind.

They have met again.


1.1: 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰||𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕪 𝕩 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨Where stories live. Discover now