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Last week of classes in my country goes bRRRRRRRRRRR-

"Hello?" Sequence called out shyly, once they got their feet on someone else's boat. "Is there anyone on board?"

Ghostly (I said ghostLy and not Ghosty) silence filled the air, making the two twin girls hide behind Mimi in fear.

"Who goes there?" a female voice with a strong pirate accent came.

Zee only let out a timid squeak (yes, she can talk in my AU), as a budgerigar swung Tarzan-style on her rope towards them, before perfectly landing in both feet on deck, making Willow think that that's one of the bird's traits Pandy might envy.

"Avast ye filthy landlubbers!" the bird called out, as though they're speaking in different ends in a football field. "My name is Cap'n Budgey, captain of this ship you are currently standing on. Are you the ones who lit the lighthouse?"

Pony nodded. "Yes Captain," he said politely. "We might need your help,"

Budgey didn't expect that statement. "Blimey!" she barked. "You board my ship and ask me for help?! This isn't charity!"

Willow had to speak up on that point. "Look, we don't have enough time," she grumbled. "We need to get across the North Sea, and fast,"

"Sink me!" the pirate screeched. "Across the sea?! On the Medora?! You people have lost your minds! We ain't going anywhere! I used what fuel whats left to dock here,"

Willow felt offended. Why would a pirate break the wolf's promise?

She had her fists balled, ready to hit someone's ass up when Pony held her wrist. "Shh," he whispered.

Budgey tried to calm herself down, noticing the scared kids. "I'm sorry there lassies," she grumbled. "It's just another stressful day in my life,"

Sequence grinned, the only one unaffected by her anger. "It's okay, Budgey," she said.

Rachelle sighed, tipping her cowgirl hat to show her face more clearly. "Back to business. You said you used your remaining fuel to dock here; don't you have any spare fuel?"

"Aye, but it's not possible to get it," Budgey said calmly, calm because of the naughty kid's presence.

"Why is that?" Mimi asked in concern.

Budgey sighed. "Ever since Davy Jones cursed the world, my hearties weighed the anchor and left to sea. Then we found out that one of them -or Ghosty, my love (sobs)- had Davy's sickness. One by one, the other 4 fell, which leaves me no choice but to seal them in the lower levels of the ship. Today, this ship remains sealed alongside with the fuel reserves,"

"So that's why your in a mood earlier," Sequence noticed. "I'm sorry for you, captain,"

A slight smile formed on the pirate's face. "'S okay, lassie," she said.

Willow decided to be her courageous and her badass self again. "All right," she said. "Let me go there and get the fuel for you. Then, you'll take us across the sea,"

Budgey and the others looks surprised by her sudden volunteer. "A-Are you serious?" Budgey whispered. "The crew will tear you apart. You cannot go alone,"

"Psh, what makes you think I'm a coward? Bet you a hundred that the infected will fear me more, because of my moves,"

She secretly winked at Pony, who went slightly red. "E-Eh... I agree with her," he said. "I want- we want you to be safe, Willow,"

Budgey thought about something. "I thought the same thing about myself," she said. "Guess what they did to me,"

"Y-You lost your hand to them?" Sequence asked stupidly, making Rachelle elbow her in annoyance.

"I lost my crew to them," Budgey said simply and patiently.

"I'll go with you then," Pony said as well.

Willow shook her head. "You need to stay here, Pony. I promised you all, remember?" she said with a wry smile.

"I'll go with her instead," Rachelle said. "Your safer here, Pony,"

Willow really wanted to go alone. "I'm fine on my own, Italian," she grumbled in annoyance.

As though she's the older one, Rachelle scoffed. "Look, if we want to find that cure, then we'll have to work together," she grumbled. "You're the only one who knows where it is. We need you alive,"

"Whatever. Just stay clear of my kicks," Willow said, sniffing.

"Say captain, where will we land on the other side of the sea if we pull this off?" Mimi asked.

"Doveport," Budgey said flatly.

Mimi tapped her chin, looking deep in thought. "Doveport..." she said thoughtfully. "I think I know an engineer from there! I wonder if he's still there..."

Budgey nodded, before rounding on the other two. "Good luck, ye scalleywags," she said. "I'll unseal the ship. Try not to feed the fish down there,"

Annyeong! Bianca is back on track again! I'll return to my old schedule this week (updates for Monday-Thursday mornings) and I'll sadly sink next week, for my classes has ended and I can only update when I have classes (I have my modules secured, don't worry)

For those lovely peeps who have read this far, I'm so glad we can stick together this long! Thanks for giving this book the reads it deserves!

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