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Its already early sunrise, and Baren had the T.S.P members prepared for the event, without their leader, Kitty, and Katie, of course.

"Good luck, Pandy," Baren whispered.

Pandy just smiled at him, before running towards the back entrance of the hotel, her glossy black hair in a ponytail flying behind her.

"What is she going to do?" Filip muttered, looking at her.

"She's going to tamper the security cyborg there," Baren said. "And ambush the safety survivors at the top floor first via elevator,"

"Good plan, Baren," Tigry said, clapping the black bear on the back.

Baren only smiled warmly at the tiger, preparing his rocket launcher for launch. "I'll make sure that this will hit the third floor, to make the ambush even more better," he said cooly, kneeling towards it and directing it towards the second floor.

After 3 minutes, Pandy went out. "I already boarded the entrance and placed the rat on the elevator. It should be on the top floor by now,"

Baren smiled down at her, patting her shoulder. "Good," he said warmly, as Pandy allowed herself to position behind him. "Remember, we're doing this for Willow,"

"For Boss!" the other 3 males cheered.

That's when Baren launched the misile inside the launcher that is waiting to be launched.

Then the missile whistled as it sped towards the third floor (the ground floor is where the exit is) window, shattering it and landing at presumably someone's room, for they can hear a yelp of a girl.

"Hope that girl's injured," Baren said tonelessly. "Now prepare your weapons,"


"Wake up, Sequence," an Italian voice hissed, pushing the red head off her bed.

"Ow, Rachelle!" Sequence screamed, rubbing the hurt spot on her head.

"You should have woken up earlier to help me here!" Rachelle growled, as Sequence stood up, wearing her sandals and grumbling furiously. "I have already set the others free. All that's left is to find that white key, while avoiding the cyborg rat from the elevator,"

Our cheeky red head huffed, stomping down to the the third floor and peeped through the ruined window, to see five grey blurs looking up at her, all with smug looks on their face.

Sequence then gave them 2 middle fingers, blowing a raspberry (cause she can-).

"Bad move, Sequence," Pony's voice warned from behind, making Sequence jump, and pulling both of wrists down and they both ran down the stairs. "I'll report you to Poley and Doggy once this pandemic ends,"

"They are still infected, excuse me," Sequence only said, sticking out her tongue at him.

They both stopped in front of the storage room. "Are you talking back to me?" Pony questioned, folding his arms and his eyes narrowing behind his glasses. 


"I can slap you,"

"Try me,"

Pony then slapped her hard, leaving a mark, making Sequence's eyes widened. "If you dare talk back to me again, I'll slap you twice. Cheeky people deserve pain sometimes. Do I make myself clear?" Pony said strictly.

Sequence nodded, hanging her head down in shame.

"Now now, don't start some drama,"Pony said tonelessly. "That's discipline, child,"

1.1: 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰||𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕪 𝕩 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨Where stories live. Discover now