something\\4 (✔️)

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"Hey Willow," Pony said

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"Hey Willow," Pony said.

Its another day of the new virus and Willow is listening to the radio.

'Mr. P's attempt to start a new virus in the city /static/ do not trust the potions located /static/ hospital'

Buzzing came afterwards.

"Potion? Doggy? Hmm..." Willow had a devilish smirk on her face, looking deep in thought. Maybe-

"Willow?" Pony repeated.

The smirk disappeared from her face, before spinning around on her office chair. "Hey Pony..." she muttered. "Sorry that I didn't hear you-"

"Its alright," Pony said with a laugh, setting down 2 mugs of coffee by her office table. "I just thought of a supply run, by the way,"

"Take a seat," Willow said, gesturing to one of the chairs next to the door.

Pony then took one, before sitting opposite her. "Thanks," he said cooly.

Willow smiled at him, looking down at the beverage. "Here," Pony said, passing a mug towards her. "Have some coffee I made,"

Willow hummed, pressing the brim of the mug to her lips, before sipping it.

"Does it taste good?" Pony said with a frown. "I can get the sugar bowl if you want-"

"No, it tastes fine," Willow said. "I like- love the taste,"

Pony chuckled, before changing the subject. "So... you're our captain, huh?"

Willow laughed, covering her face.

She's even cool when she laughs...

"Of course!" she said. Then quietly, she added, "You can co-captain if you want,"

"Yeah," said Pony with a smile. "I will,"

Then they both quietly sipped the coffee, before they placed it back on her desk in sync.

That made them giggle.

"You know, I thought of getting you all some uniforms," she said with a smile. "Your uniform will be different to prove that you're vice captain and we must stock food in here,"

"Great plan,"

Pony drank the rest of the coffee before standing up. "I'll better leave now, to perform my duties as a ah, vice captain, our boss,"

Willow flushed. "Y-You can call me Willow instead," she stammered.

"Alright, Willow,"

Pony winked at her and left the room.

Willow covered her face, blushing for a while. Ah Pony... she thought, before uncovering her face and sipping the rest of the beverage. Does he even know that I like him?


Noon came and the quartet had their weapons in hand. "That looks like a toy, Pony," Willow teased, looking at Pony's wooden sword.

"Looks less like it," Pony said, with an air of annoyance.

"Lets go. We have no time left," Baren said. "The infected will be here if we talk here for too long,"

Tigry spotted a rusty car. "Maybe we can ride here," he said. "But it quite looks old-"

"That still works," Baren said hastily. "But that'll only last for one ride,"

"Its fine, Baren," said Willow, sitting at the driver's seat. "I'll drive,"

Pony sat in the shotgun seat, while Tigry and Baren sat at the passenger seats. Then Willow started the engine. And she drived towards the main city.

"Didn't know you can drive," Pony observed.

Willow gripped tightly on the wheel, running it's old tires over the infected. "Its been a long time since I want to drive, Pony," she said with a determined grin.

They set off near the mall. Pony's eyes rested on a hotel, however.

"Two of you go to that carnival there," Willow pointed out, parking the car next to the poutine instead. "Me and Pony will check the mall,"

"No detours, you two," Tigry joked, as they all climbed out of the car, making Willow blush lightly as the tiger and the black bear rushed to the carnival, killing infected that stood in their path.

Pony and Willow then headed towards the mall. "Say, I fight those infected while you do the raid," he said. "Recruit any survivors seen on your way," he added, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Willow nodded. "Thanks... Captain," she said with a smile.

Pony smiled back at her, before she rushed off with her tail wagging.

She really is adorable...


Willow sighed, running toward an abandoned kitchen for food. "Anyone there?" she called.

As if in answer, a pink backpack is seen and another pink duffel bag, blocking the entrance to the kitchen. And a ginger cat is cowering behind her counter. "Stop right there!" she squealed.

"Hey, its okay!" Willow said, stepping over the bags. "I'm not them,"

The ginger uncovered her face to reveal sky blue irises that look full of fear. "O-Oh," she said in a small voice. "Sorry,"

"I'm Willow, kid," she said. "Would you be glad to join our survivor group? I was just finding uniforms. And food,"

The cat's eyes glittered at once. "Of course! And I'm Kitty!" she introduced. "And I already have food and water packed in that duffel bag..."

"Don't worry," Willow said gently, helping her up. "In the meantime, I'll find you a weapon. And you're family now,"


Pony growled, wrestling a security robot. "Fucking idiot," he grumbled, smacking the robot on the head using the hilt of his sword, his eyes worriedly settled on Willow and the new kid, however.

Then a buzzing noise from a chainsaw came. The robot stirred, its steely gaze on Pony, who scrambled against the wall. It perfectly makes sense that a wooden sword is not a great match for a chainsaw.

And from nowhere, a tip of a fencing sword went through its left sensor.

Pony's eyes widened. Only one person he knew knows how to use the said weapon, making him gulp.

The robot malfunctioned, then fell.

A zebra came into view, tipping her musketeer hat upwards so you could see her ed eyes, her black hair in a ponytail.

The she realized who she was looking at.

A faint gurgle came from Pony's mouth. "Z-ZIzzy?"

qotc: have you ever wanted to drive a car?

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qotc: have you ever wanted to drive a car?

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