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(T/N: In the part where Pony gets attacked by the Insolence (or TiO), I wouldn't really add too much detail about it lmfao. Why is it? Simple: L A Z Y)

Willow's face fell. Why did Pony swear of a sudden? "What?" she hissed.

Pony's face looks firm, however. "I'll tell you why, if you let go of my hand," he said sternly.

Willow sighed, before doing so. "Now what?" she grumbled. "What's your fucking problem?"

"My fucking problem is you. What made you want to infect them, huh?"

"I already told you; its the revenge I want to do for my entire life, Pony!"

"Do you have any idea how awful that idea is?!"

"I don't even give a fuck about them like how they don't give a fuck about me!"

"Even if! What if I told you that Rash actually has a crush on Doggy? If Rash were you, he wouldn't take revenge even if Doggy hurt him,"

Willow's face faltered. "W-What?" she muttered.

Pony scoffed. "If Rash knew about this, he'll be mad at you,"

"L-Lets go back," she muttered, trying to hold his hand again but Pony refused.

"Don't touch me. Don't touch any part of me, you understand?" he said snappishly.

Willow looked close to tears, but she nodded.

"If I go in with you, you might make me do shit which is worse than infecting innocent people," he hissed.

Then, he threw his hat on the ground. "Goodbye, Willow," he said, turning away from her and walking away.

"W-Wait!" Willow spluttered, running after him.

"Don't go near me, motherfucker. One more step and I'll make sure we won't see each other again," Pony warned.

Willow froze in her spot. Then she sobbed. "P-Please Pony... don't go," she begged, sinking in to her knees.

"I have no pity," Pony said coldly, looking down at her.

"You're the only person I have in my life! You're my only friend left!" Willow cried, more tears splattering on the ground.

"We can't be friends if you're like this,"

Then he left, leaving her crying alone. "PONY!!!!!!!!" she screamed.

Then she covered her face with her hands, crying, more tears trickling down her face as his figure disappeared.

"Boss!" Katie said in a panicked voice, running towards her. "W-What happened?"

"THAT PERSON- HE LEFT- A TRAITOR!!!!" Willow screamed.

"You mean P-"


"I think you should go inside," Filip, who had run after the cat- said. "Before an infected sees you here," 

Katie and Filip assisted their leader back to the refinery.


Pony's heart has broke, hearing her sobs echoing towards his way to the Safe Place. He gazed in the heavens. I'm sorry Billy. he thought, a tear streaking down his cheek. I have to do this. I'll teach her a lesson.

He continued walking until the hotel was seen from a distance. "Pony!" a voice squealed.

A zebra ran straight into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Z-Zizzy!" Pony whispered, hugging her back.

"I missed you Pony! Like, a lot!"

"I told you I promised," Pony said softly, wrapping an arm around her as they entered the hotel But his ears are still ringing cause of Willow's sobs. I wish I could hug you right now, but I think I don't forgive you yet...

Then out from nowhere, a tall slim figure appeared infront of him, and Zizzy disappeared.  He saw nothing else but darkness. 

"W-Where am I?" he muttered.

Then he turned around and saw his mom. "M-Mom?" he spluttered.

"My boy!" his mom said. "You're awake!"

Pony shook his head. "No. This can't be real. Stop it!"

"Are you sure?" came a voice that is smooth but steely that scared Pony out of his wits.

"What the- where am I?" he yelled at the figure.

The figure's face considered him well. "In your dreams, Pony," he said silkily. "I think I'll have to make this deal pretty quick, since its not you who has been victimized by me,"

"What deal?"

"If you join me, I can help you get your parents back. The world will be normal as it is before,"

"Why would I trust you?" Pony said with a scoff, folding his arms.

"Because you are full of regret after infecting those two. Looks like you can join me because of that. We can take revenge on that pesky wolf. Forget her and join me,"

I don't take revenge on my enemies. Even if Willow has done something, I don't have the heart to take revenge on her.

"No," Pony said firmly.

"Are you rejecting my offer?" the entity said dangerously.

"I will never fall for your stupid tricks,"

The creature sighed, turning back. "Hmph. And so be it. People are always like that at first, but when they have no one left, they come back to me,"

The entity faced him again. "I s'pose. Farewell,"

Pony fished out his sword, about to stab the entity in the stomach when out from nowhere a club blocked his strike.

Pony's vision was jarred back to reality to see a giraffe looking down at him. "Hey there mister," he said with a chuckle. "Are you alright?"

Pony went red, but smiled wryly. "Yeah man,"

I'm sorry, Willow...

Looks like motivation has left me, but I have still managed to update! 

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