something\\5 (✔️)

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(One of the scenes later in this chapter will relate to the picture above :3)


Zizzy knelt down at Pony's side, stroking his cheek. "Goodness, its been years since we have last seen each other!"

"Yeah," Pony murmured. "Great,"

Zizzy looked around before quickly holding Pony's hand. "Quick," she said, as though she is in a hurry. "Join me and my sisters in the hotel. We are residing there until now, especially with those infected on the loose. Come on!"

She pulled him, but Pony didn't budge.

"Hey," Zizzy muttered. "Come on,"

"I already have a survivor group," Pony said blankly.

Zizzy looked at Pony sadly. "W-What group?" she whispered, letting go of his hand. "I-I thought you were alone-"

"The Silver Paw, led by one of my friends,"

"Who is this friend?"

Pony straightened up, dusting down his jeans. "Look Ziz, I think you should leave now. Your sisters might be looking for you," he said.

"A-Are you pushing me away?" ZIzzy said, a tear trickling down her face.

"Eh no! I'm really sorry, but you really have to go now. I can't leave my group,"

Zizzy sighed in defeat. "I guess so," she muttered. "I'll ask you this one favor though,"

"What?" Pony said in curiosity.

Zizzy sighed as her hopes for Pony joining her and her sisters has sank like the titanic. "Stay safe for me okay?"

"Okay," Pony muttered.

Zizzy hugged him. "I'll see you around, Pony,"

She smiled and ran away from the mall.

And perfect timing, Willow and Kitty are panting heavily, with their bags loaded with the new uniforms, a month's supply of food, and water. "Hey Pony," Willow huffed, approaching him.

"Just in time," Pony said as the robot started to stir again. "Give me that duffel bag and those clothes. We have to get out of here,"

I can't just leave Willow behind, Zizzy.


"Hey guys," Baren said gruffly, as Willow, Pony and their newest recruit, Kitty walked towards the carnival. "You'll have to see this,"

"What so?" Willow panted, as Pony set the bags on the ground. He even offered to remove what Willow and Kitty are carrying, much to the wolf's surprise.

"Cousins and a friend," Tigry informed her, leading the trio to two foxes and a coyote leaning against a cage. "We cannot recruit them without your approval, boss,"

"Why do you still have to call me boss you people?" Willow said, taken aback from the small name. Kitty however, looked at the tiger with great interest.

Tigry didn't expect that response. "Well, you are our leader so-"

"Never mind," Willow muttered. "Anyways, can you tell us your names?"

"I'm Foxy," the fox in a black hoodie murmured. "My cousin Felix and his friend, Filip," He pointed to the other two.

"NIce meeting you three," Kitty muttered.

Willow sighed. "You three can join. And guess what? Once we get back to our base, you all change into your uniforms me and Kitty brought for you,"

"I hope they fit us all!" Kitty said hopefully. "Try on the other uniforms if they don't fit. If they still don't fit, better tell me!"

"Noted," Tigry said, making Kitty giggle.

"I'm fine with my hoodie, thanks," Foxy muttered.

A growl came, for an infected clown came from the circus tent with his spotty mallet in hand.

"Lets go," Filip said at once, yanking Felix away, with Foxy whistling after them, and Baren and Tigry hoisting the rest of the bags on their shoulders.

"Hey Pony," Tigry noticed. "Are you coming or-,"

"Go ahead. I'll follow," he only answered, showing his sword out, not wanting Willow to deal with the clown on her own.

Tigry shrugged, then he walked off.

Willow sighed, not noticing that Pony is there. "Hey bitch. Taste this," she said cockily.

She roundhouse-kicked the clown on the face, before shooting him on the knees, making him snarl.

Willow sighed, spinning around, about to leave when she just noticed Pony still standing there. "Why are you still here?" she hissed.

"Keeping you safe," he said blankly.

"You are not doing anything, and I can fend off the infected on my own, thanks-"

The clown regained his strength, and was about to hit her without the wolf knowing, but Pony grabbed Willow, single-arm hugging her before stabbing the clown in the stomach, making the clown release his weapon, and he fell to the ground.

Why does he keep on saving me, though? Willow thought, a faint tint of pink on her cheeks.

"Looks like I just did something," Pony said with a smirk, looking down at her.

Willow went redder. "E-Eh?" she grumbled. "D-Don't t-treat me l-like a child!"

Pony chuckled. "How cute," he whispered in her ear. "Little Willow's being shy~"

"L-Let's just go, baka," she grumbled again, stalking off as she blushed madly.

"Sure, senpai~" he said teasingly, running past her.

Willow clenched her fists. "You sick fuck-"

She chased a laughing Pony all the way back to the refinery. "COME BACK HERE!!" she shrieked.

About to catch him, he dodged, so Willow is the one who ended up being caught into Pony's arms. "L-Let me go!" she said irritably.

"Maybe I should carry you back home," he said teasingly, keeping his arms around her waist and her torso.

Willow kicked before groaning. "Fine. You win," she grumbled, setting her feet down.

"Kidding," Pony said, setting her back on the ground. "We'll walk together the way back, okay?"

He had his hand outstretched. "Take my hand," he said.

Willow looked away, shyly taking his hand.

Pony then intertwined their fingers, making Willow (who is still blushing) look at her own hand before looking up at Pony, who just smiled warmly.

Then they both walked all the way back to the refinery.

qotc: favorite piggy map?

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qotc: favorite piggy map?

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