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MIMI SOBBED, covering her face as tears leaked out from her eyes. Pony's jaw dropped as the giraffe fell unconscious on his arms. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he carefully studied the bullet wound on a part on the giraffe's waist.

Giraffy only traced a finger down Mimi's cheek, who sat opposite Pony. Then his eyes averted to Pony. "I guess this is enough for me to save Zizzy," the giraffe whispered faintly.

"I-Its more than enough, Giraffy," Rachelle whispered, kneeling next to Mimi, rubbing the mole's back as she continued sobbing.

Sequence, who still has the slap mark from Pony, looked at Willow, and mumbled "Get him out of here, do whatever you can do to save him,"

Mimi then let Giraffy wrap an arm around her, before she and Georgie escorted the giraffe outside.

Pony then quickly proceeded to engulf the cheeky redhead into a tight embrace. "Ow Pony..." Sequence grumbled. "This hurts more than the slap you gave me earlier- why are you hugging me?"

"You're growing up," Pony only whispered, ruffling her hair.

Sequence grinned. Rachelle however, sent her cowgirl hat gliding on the floor, before glaring at Willow, who looked expressionless. "I'm tired of running, Willow," she grumbled angrily. "Lets settle this,"

Willow sighed. "Sure," she said smoothly. "Lets dance, darling,"

Pony let another tear trickle down his cheek, as he let go of the young detective. Then he walked towards the wolf. "Why did you do this?" he whispered, his face slightly near hers as he placed his hands on her shoulders.

Willow sniffed, about to answer when Tigry yelled in pain. "FUCKING BRICKS-"

His yell summoned a rattle from the sewer lid in the cell the safe group was once imprisoned in. "Something is coming up there," Willow guessed, looking at Pony's eyes but her voice is audible to the two red heads. "Doesn't sound to friendly to me,"

She backed away from Pony. "Anyways, I've got a weapon. Not too fair, not very fun. I'll give you a headstart. Your time starts now,"

She killed a glitching light bulb above her and walked off.

Pony looked at the two redheads. "Look, I'll go after her. Do something that you can do to prevent her from doing more injuries to others," he ordered.

Sequence sighed, looking up at the broken light bulb. "Poor light bulb," she breathed. "Say Rachelle, lets find some swords,"

For once, Rachelle nodded, running after the kid who ran to who knows where.

"Not an item to hurt her!" Pony yelled.

Sadly, the two redheads haven't heard him, however.

Pony sighed, before running in the direction where Willow has walked off. Then he ran up the stairs, before seeing her loading her revolver at the second set of stairs.

"Willow!" he hissed, staying below the stairs. "" 

Willow recoiled at his angry tone, looking like a scared kid, which softened Pony's heart. But she cost Zizzy and Giraffy their lives, so he has to unleash his fury towards her.

Willow only sniffed, avoiding eye contact with him. "I still hate that Italian," she muttered.

"So you'll kill her too?"

Willow sniffed, hugging herself as he walked past him. 

"Look Willow. I already forgived you. Please stop killing other innocent people, please..." Pony pleaded, walking after her.

Then a sound of a girl screaming made the pair jump. And a clatter of a ladder.

Willow looked at the direction of the scream. Then she gasped. "PANDY!!!" she screamed, looking horrified, making Pony turn to the panda as well.

"I CAN'T HOLD ON!!!" Pandy shrieked, clinging to the window ledge for dear life, her eyes shut tight as some bricks fell underneath her.

"I'll save you. I promise," Willow called in her motherly tone.

Then from nowhere, an infected koala came behind Willow. Pony's eyes widened, facing the infected behind her.

"NO!" Pony yelled, lunging towards the koala and kicking him hard in the chest, making him snarl as his bidy made contact with the floor, making Willow surprised.

Pony began to wrestle with the koala, struggling to remove the maces off him. He's angry at the wolf again, but it doesn't mean he wants her to die too.

Willow then shot the koala on the chest, but not the heart, making him lay still.

"Thanks, Willow," Pony said weakly, as Willow picked up the maces and threw them away.

Then of a sudden, unexpected whispering came into his mind. "S-stop it," he muttered, his hands on his head.

He groaned in pain, for whenever some whispering of that Insolence came in his mind, he would have a headache that will not last for long, however.

Willow looked at him confusingly, before helping him up and leading him to her office.

"Lie down there," she said quietly, leading him on her bed (kinda sus hehe~).

Pony sat instead, massaging his temples. "I'm fine, Willow," he muttered.

"You aren't" Willow said, getting a bottle of water from her desk. "Here," she added, giving it to him.

Pony smiled tiredly. "Thanks," he said, letting Willow place it next to him, before grabbing her wrists.

"Hey," Willow mumbled, looking down at her wrists. "I-I need to save my members. They might be in danger too-"

"Promise me you won't get hurt," he only whispered, looking at her eyes.

Willow hesitated, before nodding. "I-I promise," 

Pony then kissed her on her nose, running his fingers through her bushy hair.

Then he let go of her completely, and Willow walked away, closing him in.

A new chapter yAY-

The second book relating to this may be published now, but you can only see the characters XD- 

1.1: 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰||𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕪 𝕩 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨Where stories live. Discover now