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Pony pulled Willow aside as the kids are helping Mimi and Rachelle with the fuel.

"Hey..." Pony spoke softly.

Willow gave him a tiny smile. "Hey," she said.

Pony lifted up her left arm and unrolled her jacket sleeve. "Are you fine?" He whispered, inspecting the arm. "No injuries or any scratches mmm?"

"Geez Pony," Willow grumbled. "You are just like a bodyguard. I'm fine,"

"It's because I am your bodyguard,"

Willow slapped him on his arm and rolled her sleeve, making Pony pout before placing his hands in his jean pockets.

The wolf noticed him pouting and giggled, before capturing him in a warm embrace, making Pony pink as his glasses misted over.

"I just thought you're infected, idiot," he whispered, hugging her back.

"And the idiot is alive and well," Willow said, letting go of him.

"We're done, you two lovebirds!" Mimi teased, "You two can continue talking later. Now we need to leave before a crewmate gets us!"


After resealing the ship, Budgey whistled, letting the ship steer itself to Doveport. Mimi had the kids (and Rachelle) tucked up in their sleeping bags and pillows the twins have found in the storage, with the mole snoozing as well, with a blanket covering her whole like a cave.

Willow meanwhile, was sitting near the ship entrance.

"Hey Willow," Pony said, sitting next to her.

Willow looked at him, hugging her knees. "Hi," she said. "What are you doing here?"

Pony shrugged. "Can I sit next to you?" he asked.


Pony then sat next to her. "So I was just thinking... how long shall this trip to Doveport, then?"

"I'm not a geography expert, Pony,"

"Hey!" Pony looked at her in an annoyed way.

"It means: I don't know,"

Pony lightly punched her shoulder. "You could've have said that instead," he said.

Willow cuddled herself tightly, making Pony sidehug her.

"Lets gaze at the stars while we're not yet there, huh?"

Willow glared at him, before chuckling. "Okay,"

They both lay down, and Pony draped the blanket around them.

"You're a bit cranky today," Pony observed. "Why is that?"

"You're too clingy today, y'know?"

Pony only hugged her, burying his face on her neck. "I just love you a lot," he breathed.

Willow blushed. "Ehm... okay?"

Then, she cuddled him back. "You're nice to cuddle, by the way,"

"And, thanks for the wink you gave me earlier,"


Pony cuddled her tighter, before murmuring "I wonder how our members are doing? Messing around?"



The members are surrounding the recovering Giraffy who is on the bed and Pandy chased the kat with her katana. Kitty giggled, and hid under Giraffy's bed like a kid.

You might asked, what happened? After Willow and the others have left them, Baren started to take over the group as vice captain and told Pandy "Now, act like my vice captain," with a smirk.

And Pandy said "Why should I?" with her arms crossed.

And Baren said "Because I'm Willow's vice too,"

And Pandy said "Psh, you won't be a captain for long-"

"Stop whining, whiner. You don't want to become his vice because you like him, and you know it," Kitty said, in front of everyone.

Back to the event, Giraffy only groaned.

"Stop that!" He groaned irritably, acting like the new leader of TSP.

"Yes Pandy, that's enough!" Katie said shrilly to a strawberry panda.

"I made Kitty not to tell anyone, and- it's her fault!" Pandy complained.

Felix only scoffed. "The truth is out, panda. We all know. Stop acting like a child," he said.

"And I can't believe I witnessed one of the mature ones of the group is being told off," Filip said.


"Stop now Pandy," Baren said calmly. Then he gave her a light kiss on the cheek, causing the members to swoon, even Giraffy, who just chuckled, however.

Pandy blushed, covering her face.


Willow giggled. "Maybe," she said, digging her head into Pony's chest.

Then a scent of flora came into her nose. "You smell like lavenders, by the way,"

Pony went red, taking his jacket off and yeeting it aside, so the scent of flora is gone.

"Hey!" Willow pouted. Then, she smirked of a sudden. "Hiding something from me?"

"N-no!" Pony said, blushing.


"I'm serious!"

Willow chuckled. "Fine. I'll let you go, for now,"

They continued to cuddle until the sound of the waves sent them off to dreamland, with Pony sleepily playing with the wolf's hair.

Miss me?

By the way, I'm so sorry for not updating. First, my mind is idea-stuffed that I couldn't find the motivation I once had to update this book. I knew I kept you all waiting and all that.

I hope my motivation will return to me soon.

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