something\\6 (✔️)

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Two weeks passed and TSP was being themselves, as usual

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Two weeks passed and TSP was being themselves, as usual. They all have their new uniforms (except for Foxy and of course Willow) and are all acting like one big happy family. Willow is just like the mama of course.

The update? Kitty is now developing an interest in Tigry, falling for every single movement of his and his lovely voice.

Pony meanwhile, is just thinking in his own bedroom about his last encounter with Zizzy. Part of him misses her, strangely. But most of him wants to stay with Willow, however.

He sighed, staring at the childhood photo of him and Zizzy sadly.

"Pony?" a voice squeaked.

Pong chuckled as he stocked the photo inside his jacket pocket before smiling warmly at the speaker, who turned out to be Willow. "Hey there, squeaky-wolf," he said teasingly, making the wolf burn. "What brings you here?"

"Baren has recruited Pandy and we are having lunch. Aren't you coming? They're waiting for us, you know,"

"Of course I'm coming, wait-"

He removed his jacket and set it on top his pillow, sighing sadly.

"Hey... what's the problem?" the wolf asked, sitting next to him. "You don't want to have lunch? Kitty will be disappointed-"

"No Willow. I just... missed a childhood friend. She recruited me earlier- or tried to- and I can't join since I don't want to... leave you here," Pony mumbled.

Willow smiled at him. "Nice of you to say, Pony,"

Pony nodded sadly.

"Well... just for you to know, next to my family and William, you're the most important person in my life. I'd never know where I'd be without you," she said, lying on his shoulder.

"That's sweet,"

She had a small smile on her face. "You look nice without your jacket, by the way,"

Pony smiled sadly, looking down at her. "Thanks Willow,"

"My pleasure... horsie,"

Pony chuckled at the small name. "Giving me a nickname? How cute," he said with a smirk.

"S-Stop calling m-me 'cute'," Willow grumbled, standing up and glaring down at him.

Pony continued smirking, before standing up as well and pinning Willow's wrists against the wall, making the wolf's eyes widen. "What if I call you... Wolfie?"

Then he felt the knot tightening in his stomach. Its like, something in his gut is making him do one thing. Only one thing.

Willow's face heated up, her eyes looking straight at Pony's lips.

Then Pony's face came closer, as Willow's eyes closed. About to kiss-

"Boss?" Kitty's voice came, making Pony release his tight grip on the wolf's wrists.

They both sprang apart, breathing heavily as Kitty's head poked through the door.

Kitty's face went tomato red as she noticed the both of them flustered as well. "O-Oh sorry," she muttered. "I'm not trying to disturb you two, am I?"

Pony glared at her. "If you fucking tell anyone, I will kidnap your darling Tigry and lure the infected to eat him," he hissed. "Do you hear me?"

Kitty gulped, her face burning at the mention of the tiger. "I-I won't" she muttered.

"Good. Now fucking get out of here," Pony said icily.

Kitty trembled in fear, before leaving.

Then Willow looked at Pony, after a few minutes of silence. "D-Did you really m-mean to do that?" she whispered.

Pony shrugged, the anger fading from his face. "Maybe," he said sullenly, embarrassed from his flirty (or seductive?) behavior towards her earlier. "Sorry," he muttered.

Willow nodded. "Good," she mumbled. "I mean, you shouldn't do that to girls unless if you really like them-"

"Forget it. T-That never happened,"

He's being his usual serious self again. "Lets go," he muttered. "You said so yourself; they might be waiting for us,"

He walked out from his room.

Willow looked like a sad puppy. I thought that he means it.


"Hey Pandy," Pony greeted, entering the cafeteria.

The Chinese grinned. "Ooh, hi Pony!" she said. "Baren's kinda mentioned you or something-"

"How's lunch?" Willow asked, walking in. "Sorry to keep you all waiting," she added apologetically.

She and Pony made eye-contact for a second and their eyes averted, both minds still thinking about the event earlier.

"Its okay, boss," Pandy said. "Anyways, Kitty cooks pretty well!"

"Well duh! She owns a kitchen at the mall!" Foxy said, rolling his eyes.

"Now now, don't be rude towards her," Baren grumbled. "She's just new and-"

"Hey, I'm okay!" Pandy said with a laugh.

"Glad to hear," Baren murmured.

Pony looked at Willow, who had just started eating alone, as usual.

I hate it when you're alone...

He sat next to her, bringing his plate as well. "Geez Willow," he grumbled. "You don't have to eat alone,"

Willow shrugged.

"A bit of fish pie?" Kitty asked cheerfully, handing two slices to Pony.

"Thanks, Kitty," he said. Then he passed a slice to the wolf. "Eat some,"

Willow nodded. "You should eat as well. You don't have to watch me eat. I told you last time, I am not a child,"

"I'm your friend, Willow. I care for you,"

Willow blushed lightly. Pony even had a small smile on his face.

"Well, if you say so," she said.

I wish that time will stay like this forever.

qotc: what's your favorite piggy skin soundtrack?

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qotc: what's your favorite piggy skin soundtrack?

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