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"Where are you going, Willow?" Tigry asked, jogging after their leader who had just gone for a stroll.

"Just going to think about something," the wolf only grumbled, stopping on her tracks and turning towards him. "Tell the other members to stand guard around the refinery, in case of trespassers, and tell Filip to interrogate that zebra about those things that horse has blabbed towards her. If she wont answer -or if she's just feeding him some sass-, tell that coyote to give her to Poley as a snack. And you deal with those trespassers, just in case if the others hasn't seen them. Do I make myself clear?"

"How do you know that there will be trespassers?" Tigry questioned.

"Pony will do anything for that zebra, for sure," Willow said sourly.

Tigry saluted. "Clear, boss,"

Tigry ran back to the refinery.

Willow sighed, before walking towards the spot where she first recruited Pony. She sniffed, sitting in the tree stump where Pony sat on.

Then she hugged her scarf, sobbing.

Will he still forgive me?

"Boss has gone crazy after Pony has left," Willow remembered Felix saying, at midnight sharp after Pony's departure. "She likes him so much that her life might be ruined because of it,"

He deserves the pain that I gave him. That's the pain he gave to me when he left. He should know it.


"Zizzy..." Rachelle sobbed.

Three deep scratches are seen in Zizzy's right arm, and Pony is sobbing quietly, engulfing the zebra in a hug.  His childhood friend is gone.

"You little prick," Sequence meanwhile, cursed, kicking on the infected Poley on the floor, who's eyes are glassy, staring at the ceiling. "This is what happens if you keep on protecting me from your things. Pain is what you need-"

"Stop it, Sequence," Pony said sternly, wiping a tear off his cheek. "We'll have to go before Tigry sees us,"

Zizzy then slipped something into Pony's hand, which is her necklace, a gift from her brother, Zack. "Keep this for me, will you?" she asked with a smile.

Pony nodded, but his mind is on Willow. 

Why would she do this? he thought angrily.

The hatred that he is currently feeling is the same hatred he felt when he was instructed to infect Sequence. He stared at the kid sadly, who just snatched Poley's hat off.

"Go now," Zizzy said. "I'll make a distraction while you escape," 

Rachelle nodded, yanking Sequence away from the room. "Give this to Zuzy, Quence!" Zizzy yelled, tossing her hat to Sequence, letting her black hair free as the red head caught it with a grin.

Pony sighed, as he and the two girls started to escape from the refinery, before remembering Willow's words to him.

"I don't know where I'd be without you,"

Just stop doing those things, please? I wish there's a chance for us to talk in private...


"B-Boss!" Kitty sobbed, coughing.

Willow had just heard a strange explosion and she arrived just in time on a worried mood. "What happened?" she asked worriedly, looking at everyone else.

"Baren, Felix, and Kitty had a few injuries," Tigry muttered furiously. "The traitor, Little Cheeky, and that Italian snuck in here. They have fast reflexes than us,"

"Someone dropped a gas bomb in Kitty's guarded room," Baren grumbled, his left eye scarred. "She has breathing problems. We should find something if we want her to live," 

Felix nodded. "Some bricks dropped on top of my left arm, and it hurts so bad," he complained, showing the bruises on the said arm.

"I'm sorry Boss," Tigry murmured, hanging his head in shame.

Willow hugged him like a mom. "Its okay Tigry. At least you tried to stop them," she whispered, rubbing his back. Then she pulled away. "And what bricks are you talking about, Felix-"

She stopped speaking, looking at the ruined base behind them.
"Boss..." Pandy muttered. "Don't-"
"FUCK!!!!!!" Willow screamed, seeing a pink feather between the fallen debris. "FUCK YOU ZEBRA!!! FUCK YOU PONY!!!!! FUCK-"

She suddenly fainted, making everyone's eyes widened. "BOSS!" Katie panicked.

Luckily, Baren caught her, wrapping her arm around him. "I need help!" he hissed.

Pandy then helped him assist the wolf, wrapping her other arm around her. "Is it better now?" she asked the black bear, smiling shyly (lol she's in love-)

Baren nodded, smiling back at her.

"Now what?" Filip muttered.

All eyes suddenly flicked to Baren, who is the vice captain of the group.

"One of my acquaintances (or Kollie, precisely) works in a factory, not that far from here," he said quietly. "We should find some medical equipment first, and head there at once,"

Tigry carried Kitty. "Are you still in there?" he whispered.

Kitty nodded, her vision still cloudy.

Everyone chuckled, as the tiger carried the ginger in a bridal style. "And while Boss is unconscious," Baren added, "let's hatch out a plan,"

I love the TSP ships qwq.

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