something\\3 (✔️)

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(Tigry's appearance will be based from the picture above; just imagine him in his purple shirt and his TSP uniform lmfao-)

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(Tigry's appearance will be based from the picture above; just imagine him in his purple shirt and his TSP uniform lmfao-)

Its been months since Willow has seen Pony.

She missed him terribly, what with the new infection going on and all that. "I can't be stuck in here, curse that dog and those two red-heads," she hissed, shaking the bars of her cell. Then hopefully, she thought, "I hope Rash is safe..."

Then an infected polar bear growled, walking past her. With an additional clink on the floor.

Willow looked down at the thing he dropped. A sparkly, shining, white key. "Perfect!" she thought, her furry tail wagging.

Then with one arm, she reached for the little key. "Almost...there- got it," she thought, picking it up before proceeding to pick the lock of her own cell.

The cell door creaked open. "I'm free, at last," she thought.

But I need a weapon to defend myself. I want a gun, though.

Very quietly, she took off her shoes and ran towards a cop's office. There, an unused revolver waiting to be used with a lot of ammunition was seen on the cops desk, with a few reports and papers next to it. "I'm here, my friend," she whispered, picking the weapon up. "Now I need to get out of here,"

Then a static came from a radio. "Possibilities of a cure /static/ military /static/ moved up north /static/ possibilities,"

Willow heard it, and she thought. William....


Pony sighed, sitting on a tree stump as he looked at a photograph of him of his childhood crush, Zizzy. I miss her, but I miss Willow more. How is she doing?

The man's head pondered with questions, most of them worried sick about Willow.

There's a new infection going out. I hope she isn't one of those monsters...
I hope Rash is safe...
I want to see Willow so badly-

At that point, a blackberry bush rustled behind him. "Who's there?" he demanded, looking at it.


A wolf sped towards him, hugging him tightly. "Willow!!" Pony whispered, rubbing her back as he felt her tail swishing back and forth every now and then. "Its been so long- are you alright?"

"Yeah!" Willow whisper-shouted. "How about you?"

"I'm doing alright, of course!" Pony said with a laugh.

Then, the pair let go. "So... how would you like to join my group?" Willow asked cutely.

Pony chuckled, messing her hair up. "What group?" he questioned. Then his face faltered. "Where's Rash?"

He fell silent at the look of her face. "One of them," the wolf murmured. "Someone boarded him in a room near my hideout,"

"Sorry for asking," Pony said quietly.

Willow smiled wryly. "Its alright," she said. "As I was asking, do you want to join my group: The Silver Paw?"

Pony hummed as a response. "Its a survivor group, right?"

Willow rolled her eyes. "Of course, idiot,"

"I would love to join,"

Willow smiled at him, holding his hand. "Come on," she said. "I'll introduce you to Tigry,"

There, they approached a tiger wearing a purple tee who is hiding behind a tree. He yelped at the sight of Pony, for he only knows Willow and Rash.

"Its alright," said Pony warmly. "I'm Pony. Willow's only best friend, for now,"

That made the wolf red. "Yeah," she squeaked, earning a chuckle from Pony. "Come on, I'll find us a base. And stay behind us, tiger,"

Tigry nodded, gripping a dagger.


The trio continued walking. "An oil refinery!" Tigry pointed out.

Willow's eyes narrowed. "Yeah. I could see. Great job Tigry," she said. "And a black bear! I think we should recruit him, and see if we can reside there,"

"Better recruit him quick," Pony said. "Or one of the monsters will attack him if we don't recruit him soon," he added jokingly.

"Looks buff," Tigry observed.

Willow removed her bag and handed it to the tiger. "Hold this for a while while I recruit him," she said.

Tigry took the bag as the wolf walked off. "A criminal with manners," he breathed. "She should have detention with the cops instead,"

Pony pursed his lips, before fishing out the childhood photo of him and Zizzy again. "I miss you, old friend," he whispered. "You like me but I like Willow. And I can't leave her behind,"

Pony's eyes studied Willow sadly, who has a smile on her face as the black bear nodded about something she had just said.

"Whats up, Pony?" Tigry noticed.

Pony managed to smile at the tiger. "I'm fine, Tigry," he said.

At that point, Willow turned around and signalled them to come. "Come on in!" she called. "He's been using this as his base and he'd love to join our group. He says we're welcome to stay here too. And, his name is Baren," she introduced.

Tigry and Pony went straight ahead. "Welcome to Settlement 6," Baren said flatly, his hand outstretched towards Pony.

Pony nodded, shaking his hand before jogging after Willow. "Shall we inspect this place for any infected?" he suggested.

(In my opinion, infected is an irregular word. Infected is both a singular and plural word. Infecteds sound more weird, to me)

Willow shrugged. "Baren says there aren't any infected in here. I'll check for an office while you can check your new rooms upstairs, straight ahead, go left, and there,"

"How about you? Where will you sleep?" Pony asked in a worried tone.

"I will sleep in the office. Don't worry, I'll be fine anyways,"

As Willow walked away. Pony sighed, before pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket, which is a letter from Billy, before he left.

I trust you a lot Pony. Whatever happens, keep Willow safe. I want her to feel safe around you. I hope you're really like her best friend.

Or more than that. Pony thought, a small smile on his face.

qotc: if you would date a tsp member, who would it be and why?

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qotc: if you would date a tsp member, who would it be and why?

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