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(changes writing style)

"I-I missed you a lot, idiot!" -W
"I missed you a lot too," - P

IN THE SPEED OF LIGHT, Pony immediately did what he wanted to do to her back in the Old Oak. Before Willow could say more, he engulfed her into a tight but warm hug, tears coming down his face as he let his fingers comb through her bushy hair, which is messier than ever.

Willow was overwhelmed and surprised at the same time that she hugged him back, sobbing in his jacket sleeve as her tail swished happily from side to side.

She's prettier than ever...

"I-I," Willow gulped, pulling away from him and staring at his tear-stained face, teary-eyed.

"It's okay Willow," Pony whispered, holding her wrists tightly. "I'm here now. Y-You're forgiven,"

Willow's arms wriggled free from him before thumping his chest of a sudden. "I missed you a lot, idiot!" she screamed.

"Hey!" Pony said with a laugh, letting her thump him. "That- That hurt!"

"That's the pain you gave me when you left," Willow said grumpily, wiping away her tears before crossing her arms and leaning against a wall.

"Oh Wolfie," Pony breathed, leaning against the same wall next to her, and caressing her hair. "You're still the Willow I know,"

"So... did you really missed me?" Willow questioned, looking up at him as her tail swished.

"Of course," Pony said softly, caressing her ear this time, making the wolf giggle as a light blush came into her cheeks.

"You know, Pandy has given me a story earlier," Willow said, as Pony released her ear. "I heard that Baren told you that he was dating me, and you wrestled with him; am I right?"

Pony sighed sadly. "Yeah," he mumbled. "W-Well, is it true? That you are dating h-him?"

Willow playfully punched his arm. "Of course not, idiot," she said, chuckling. "He just said that to fool you, to prove that you really ah, love me to the core,"

Pony went red. Why did I punch him? he thought.

"So, would you punch people for me?" Willow whispered with a smirk.

Pony burned. "Well... it depends," he muttered, looking away from Willow.

"Did I just fluster you?" Willow said with a giggle, hugging him (like in the book cover, as of this chapter's release).

Pony stared at her, smiling. "Eh... you just did," he said.

The pair continued talking for the rest of the minutes. And it ended well. Willow was looking normal again, and Pony was happy.

"I think you need to go," the wolf said quietly.

Pony looked at her sadly. "I don't want to leave you again," he muttered.

"I promised my members that we will talk for 10 minutes," Willow said gently, holding his hands. "Now I will promise you, we will be together again okay?"

Pony thought about it for a while. Then he nodded. "Okay," he said.

Willow smiled happily, wagging her tail. "That's good," she said. "Now let Tigry and Kitty escort you back to your cell. I'll let you and your friends out later, I promise,"

Pony really didn't want to leave her again, but he decided to kiss her on the nose, making the wolf blush again. "I-Idiot," she grumbled. "Just go,"

Pony chuckled, blowing a flying kiss towards her as he walked out of her office, making Willow giggle, catching it. "Caught it!" she whispered, putting it in her pocket.

Pony nodded, smiling warmly at her before closing the door behind him.

"How was it, then?" Kitty said, who was just in time to escort him back to his cell.

"I don't know," Pony said. "I-Its just like a dream,"

The two felines laughed.


"Aww~ why are you smiling?" Mimi said with a smirk. "Looks like someone's bright tonight,"

Pony still had the same smile plastered in his face. Instead of answert=ing, he looked around, only to see an Italian missing.

"Where's Rachelle?" he asked, his smile fading as he leaned against a wall near the cell gate.

Giraffy checked outside the cell, making sure that there are no guards nearby. "She's with the twins. They're finding a substitute key in the sewers to let us out of here," he explained, turning towards the older. "Rachelle promised she'll be back in a jiffy,"

Pony sighed in relief. Mimi however, crossed her arms, still looking at Pony. "I'm asking you something!" she hissed.

"Chill there," Pony said. "Fine, it's about Willow, but you might not be interested-"

"We're interested," Sequence said with a grin. "Carry on,"


"Is she your future girlfriend?" Giraffy teased with one of his playful grins. 

"Maybe," Pony breathed. "I want to confess to her but this is not the right time to confess, you know..."

At  that point, an Italian redhead was visible. "Come on guys," she hissed, unlocking the cell gate with a white key. "We need to go before we're seen,"

"How about Zee and Zuzy?" Pony asked at once.

Rachelle led the way. "They're going to meet us outside. Hurry!"

Meanwhile, Willow was just about to set Pony and the others free from their cell, and to apologize towards them, before seeing them together with a certain Italian, about to leave in success.

Newfounded anger formed inside her, before pointing her gun towards a redhead. She did not have the heart to shoot Sequence, for she's only 11 (as she remembered) and she was actually disappointed when she was ordered to arrest the wolf.

Rachelle however, was a cold-hearted but a sweet person inside. She thinks criminals are bad.

So you know who Willow attempted to kill, but not without a certain giraffe sensing it first, before taking the bullet for the said cop.


Plus I think Thursday is out of my schedule (as of this chapter's release) so yeah-

1.1: 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰||𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕪 𝕩 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨Where stories live. Discover now