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WARNING: This chapter will have suicidal attempts, or attempts to hurt oneself once you started to read this chapter.. If you are uncomfortable with these stuff, or if it will trigger you, please leave this chapter.

You have been warned.

WILLOW SOBBED, burying her head in her hands. Then she yelled in frustration, before striking her ammo at the ceiling of her office. "DAMN!!! WHY DO I EVEN HAVE TO BE IN THIS KIND OF SITUATION???" she screamed, sending her revolver skidding across the floor.

She found a knife at her desk. Maybe if I end my life right now, they should feel contented, right?

"Boss?" Kitty's worried voice came.

Act fast...

"Willow?" Pony's voice came as well.

They're right. You don't deserve to be a leader after all...

"Fine Willow. W-We'll listen, if you'll just go out," Tigry said from the outside.

Oh the misery...

She picked up the knife, looking down at it.

Everybody wants to be...

She pointed it to herself.

My enemy...

She closed her eyes, about to plunge the knife to her very own chest when the door opened. Then-

"BOSS!!!!!!!!!!" Katie screamed.

At the same time, Pony entered the office. Then his eyes widened.

"NO!" Pony yelled, diving straight towards the wolf and wrestling the knife away from her.

"LET ME GO!!!" Willow shrieked.

Few of the TSP members have tears pouring down their faces, with their 'representative boyfriends,' comforting the other.

"What are you doing?" Pony whispered, letting the knife skid on the floor.

"I-I should've been infected instead of t-that zebra. I-I should've b-been shot instead of that g-giraffe,"

"Shh... don't say things like that," Pony said softly, engulfing her into a hug. "Y-You don't have t-to kill yourself. Y-You meant the world to me..."

"How so?" Willow muttered, as Pony let go.

Pony started to think. It's time... a voice in his brain said. It's time that she should know. Tell her.

"I..." Pony said, stepping close to her that their faces are a few inches apart.

Then he spoke without hesitation.

"I-I love you, Willow," (ayo? that was fast)

The words hitted the wolf. A strong silence came in, and Willow looked straight into his eyes bewilderingly, with the last tear falling from her face. Pony wasn't even lying; he meant it firm and clear.

"I-In a friend way?" was her response.

Without even thinking twice, he lay his lips on top of hers, kissing her, cupping her cheeks completely (I think I wrote that in a last-to-first order what-).

Willow kissed him back. His lips are so soft... she thought.

They continued kissing, never wanting to let go, just Pony spilling all of his love towards her, as it became deeper every minute.

Then someone cleared his throat, making them look at the direction of where the sound is at.

"It's about time there!" Felix said, a grin plastered on his face. "You did it in front of us!"

Willow met Pony's eyes shyly. "I-Idiot," she mumbled. "Y-You knew someone is there-"

"At least we witnessed it," said naughty Kitty with a smirk. "That's lucky,"

"I thought we were packing?" air-headed Mimi asked, poking her head to see the commotion.

"We don't need to pack," Willow said, prying Pony off her, except that he hugged her from behind.

"Willow~" he groaned lazily, as Willow walked away from her new office, with some of the members snickering, walking after them.

"You can ride on my back," Willow grumbled.

Pony laughed. "Kidding," he said, pulling away from her. "Now where are we going?"

"To the port," Willow said flatly. Then she turned to her members as Mimi and Pony walked ahead. "Make sure to look after the giraffe, eh?"

"Of course!" said Katie happily.

"Stay safe, you all," Willow said, the motherly smile returning to her face.

"See ya!" Kitty said cheerfully, as Willow walked away.

Annyeong, peeps! I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a new update. Its just my laziness taking over XD.

And I would like to thank you for 2.9k reads! That means a lot to me! 

Also, I have noticed that Chapter 12 has the least reads (or 13?) and 16 the most. Look, it doesn't mean that if I give highlights, you'll immediately head to the part which looks exciting (especially that they reconciled on the 16th chapter). I'm not mad but it would be better when you have completed and read every part!

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