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I am typing in a phone at the moment, for my cousin's computer has broken down. And I have updated, as promised! Enjoy!

"Come down Pandy," WILLOW SAID, grabbing the fallen ladder and placing it back by her feet.

"Thanks boss!" Pandy said gratefull, climbing down the ladder with her eyes still shut, however.

Then Willow felt something wooden hit her arm, causing her to hiss in pain, glaring at the figure who had just ran, who is of course, the Italian.

The wooden thing was a sword, which had just snapped into two.

"Are you okay, boss?" Pandy asks, with her face full of worry.

"Yeah," Willow muttered.

"Great," Pandy breathed, seeing Sequence distracting the koala by running in circles. "I must check on Baren,"

"Stay safe, panda,"

Pandy nodded, running off, making Willow run to the spot where Tigry is at.

Willow sighed, before stunning the koala who was about to punch the red head in the face using her gun. But her gut is telling her to kill Rachelle.

That's when she saw Tigry helping Kitty back to her feet. "Rachelle helped us using my own weapon!" Kitty said proudly.

"Yeah," Tigry agreed, dusting down his pants. "I suggest you don't kill her,"

Willow burned with anger, before another sword made contact with her waist this time, causing a bit of blood to drip out. "Go outside!" she shrieked, ushering the two away before snapping the sword into two using her strength.

"How about Pandy???" Kitty shrieked back.

"I'm here, idiot!" Pandy hissed, dragging Baren towards the exit like a rag doll.

How about Felix? How is he?

She ran towards the part near the ladder, only to see a slit fence. Fuck+

"Katie's in danger!" Sequence squealed, running to the wolf without fear. "She's trapped in a room with flammable substances!"

Kollie growled, regaining his strength, making Sequence dash away.

Willow looked angry. Whoever placed her dearest members in danger will have their head gone.

She walked towards the place where the room with the flammable substances are, to only see the cat being escorted by an Italian on the way out.

Katie's face faltered from seeing her boss's angry look. "Boss-"

"Get out," Willow growled, swatting the cat away.

Rachelle scoffed. "I already set your other dear members free," she sneered (my own oc irritates me lmao-). Then she withdrewed her third wooden sword from nowhere. "Drop your gun and surrender,"

Willow glared at her, before shooting her arm, making the cop hiss before throwing the sword towards the wolf's right arm as well, making Willow collapse.

"That one's for Zizzy," Rachelle said coldly, walking off.

Willow stared blankly at a wall, as Rachelle's boots clacking begun to fade.

Then Pony poked his head through the door of the wolf's office. He gasped at her bleeding form before going back inside and quickly rummaging in her drawers for medical supplies. After getting things he needed, he ran back to Willow, kneeling next to her.

"W-Willow?" he whispered, his hand trembling as he unrolled her blood stained sleeve, before cleansing her wound carefully, making Willow's free arm grip his wrist, hissing in pain.

"You still got injured," he muttered, patching the wound up and advancng to her waist. "You're fine, right?"


"Pony?" Sequence said, entering the scene. "I trapped Kollie in a closet. Lets go,"

"Tell them that I'll come out after a minute. Tell them to wait," Pony only said.

Sequence noticed Willow before smirking. "Okay,"

She ran off.

Pony then lifted Willow's shirt (anti sus gang reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-) halfway up to reveal the last wound, before cleaning it as well. Then, he brushed the last few hair strands from her face, before looking at her waist as he sat up.

"You're sexy, you know," he whispered, stroking her tail before pulling her shirt back down. Then he carried her to her office, before placing her in her bed.

"We'll meet you outside once you wake," he whispered.

Then he left her, as she muttered a shy 'thanks', blushing lightly.


1.1: 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰||𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕪 𝕩 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨Where stories live. Discover now