something\\7 (✔️)

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"Found him, Willow,"

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"Found him, Willow,"

It was the night after Pandy's arrival, and Tigry panted, sitting in a chair in Willow's office, for he was ordered to look for naughty Sequence and her friend, Doggy.

"Where?" Willow asked.

He arrested me, took my family away from me, hurted Rash along with that frizzy red-head...

"Wearing a purple shirt. He's in the Lucella Camp with a kid who is no older than eleven," Tigry said at once.

"Good. Thank you Tigry," Willow said. "We'll infect him in two weeks time, since he's a smart one. He knows it when someone's watching him, that shit,"

Tigry nodded. "He's Officer Doggy, right?"

Willow sighed. "Yes,"

"So, whats the proper plan in two weeks?"

"First, me, Pony, Filip, and Pandy will head in the hospital and fetch two potions. Afterwards, Filip and Pandy will head back to base while me and Pony infect those two. You and the others fend off this base while we're gone,"

Tigry stood and saluted. "Yes boss,"


2 weeks passed, and Willow, Pony, Filip, and Pandy are in the entrance of the hospital itself while the others are standing guard at their base. "This plan is insane," Pony muttered to Willow, who said nothing. "Are you nuts?"

"You don't want to taste my gun, do you?" Willow muttered, looking away from Pony.

"No," Pony said quietly.

Ever since the attempted kiss, the pair felt weird about their existences so they really did pretend like nothing happened by acting neutral to each other.

"Hey!" Filip said at once. "There's a nurse! Maybe she can help us!"

"Ask right away," Willow ordered.

"Can I recruit her afterwards?" the coyote said dreamily. (love at first sight lmfao)


Filip approached the nurse who is a black cat, and cleared his throat. "Excuse me nurse," he said politely. "Can you tell us where those potions are?"

"What potions?" the cat asked. "And I'm Katie. There's no need for such formalities,"

"Those potions that are marked 'dangerous'," Filip said flatly, who has no idea what exactly ar me those potions Willow is talking about.

Katie pointed. "Just take the lift to the 1st floor (cause they're in the ground floor dUH-) and open the brown door in front of you. Why do you need those potions anyway?"

"We're planning to infect someone," Filip murmured.

Katie shrugged. "Its not my business, right?"


"Then I don't need to interfere- wait, who are those people with you?"

"My friends," Filip said.

"Anyways, thanks for the help," Willow said cooly. "Lets get going-"

"Wait, are you a survivor group? C-Can I join?" Katie begged. "I don't really like it here alone and... two of my friends (or Bunny and Sheepy) went off so..."

"Yeah, you can," Willow said.

"I thought you'll recruit her?" Pandy hissed, an eyebrow arched.

Filip burned. "I forgot-"

"Its okay!" Katie said pleasingly. Then she turned to Willow. "Thanks for letting me. I owe you one,"

"Come on!" Pandy grumbled, her katana out from her belt. "Infected will be here any minute,"

Willow went in first, with Pony kicking an infected who was about to pounce on her, before escorting her inside. "You keep on protecting me," Willow mumbled.

Pony only hummed as a response.

The rest entered the elevator, and Katie closed the elevator doors.


Then, static came from Willow's walkie-talkie. "Bad news, boss," Tigry's voice came. "Foxy got attacked by an infected so its only me, Felix, and Kitty standing guard in here and Baren'll place him in the cage he remembered seeing in the carnival where we first recruited him-"

Willow sighed, hearing Felix's sobs in the background. "Right you are, tiger. And tell Baren to tell him we're sorry" she said.

"Over and out, boss,"

Static came afterwards.

Filip sniffed, and Katie wrapped an arm around him. "Its okay," she said sweetly. "We're almost there," she added, looking at the number flashing in the screen above the buttons.

The lift doors opened. "I'll get the potions. You all stay here," the black cat said.

Then she opened the door and quickly got the potions before rushing back in the elevator. Willow smirked, as the lift doors closed.


Filip, Pandy, and the newest recruit, Katie are sent backed to their base, except for Willow and Pony, who are peeking at a sleeping dog and a cheeky red head from behind the trees. "I'll do the dog while you do her," Willow ordered.

Pony shook his head. "She's just a child, Willow," he said quietly. "And I know I'm your friend, but I don't want to do this,"

Willow sighed, breathing deeply before fishing out her weapon from her belt. "I don't want to hrt you, Pony. We're doing this for revenge. Go,"

This is actually for you, William. If it weren't for the cops, Mom and Dad will still be here, and you would still be alive.

Pony gulped, the knot tightening in his stomach as he approached the kid. "Sorry, there," he whispered, a look of regret on his face as he unscrewed the cork of the potion, before tipping the green liquid in her mouth. "I need to do this,"

Willow moved on, unscrewing the cork on the potion before forcing Doggy to drink from it. Before the last of it was drained, he yelped and smacked the bottle aside.

"Quick," she hissed, pulling Pony away from the pair. "They might stir by now,"

Pony looked at her with distaste.

They were almost near their base when Pony stopped, breathing angrily.

"What's wrong?" Willow grumbled. "Go-"

"Sorry to say, but I have two words to tell you," he said snappishly.

"What?" she hissed.

"Fuck you,"

qotc: are you a #ftr or #rr?

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qotc: are you a #ftr or #rr?

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