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Pony sobbed uncontrollably. Its already nighttime, and the moon is shining brightly as he sat on his bed on his room. 

Then a knock came. "You can come in," Pony said, sniffing.

"Pony?" Giraffy muttered, rubbing his eyes as he entered his room. "Its almost midnight and you're not yet asleep,"

Pony smiled at him, wiping the tears away from his face as the giraffe closed the door. "Yeah," he said softly.

Giraffy then sat next to the older, hugging him tightly, making Pony sob again, his tears staining the giraffe's blue shirt.

"I'm sorry about Zizzy," Giraffy whispered, his thumb ruffling Pony's hair.

Pony sniffed, removing his glasses and setting them on his bedside table. "It's fine, Giraffy," he said with a small smile, looking up at the said name. "That wolf will pay,"

"I thought she's your ex-friend?"

"She's infected Zizzy for revenge, since I left her because of a horrid thing she had forced me to do. I-I actually liked her before, but because of that, I find it hard to forgive her. But I did anyway. And she thinks that I don't. And... and..."

Tears welled up in Pony's eyes. "I-I can't explain any... anymore," he whispered. "Can you do me a favor instead?"

Giraffy nodded. "Sure," he said.

"Can you sleep here with me? I want someone to cuddle with,"

Giraffy smiled playfully. "Anything for you, Pony," he said.

Then he and Pony dived under the covers (THEY'RE JUST CLOSE FRIENDS SHIPPERS PLEASE-) before cuddling each other. "You're hugs are so warm..." Pony murmured, burying his head on the giraffe's shirt.


"Are you alright?" Pandy murmured, a few hours after they moved in the factory, in a room where Willow and Kitty are currently resting.

"She's stressed out, but she'll be fine," Katie said. "She'll wake up soon. I promise,"

Then the doorknob rattled, making the two girls look at it, only to see a black bear with a bandage over his injured eye. "Oh hi Baren," said Pandy, hiding her hands behind her back. "How's that eye?"

"Fine," Baren grunted, approaching Willow's bed and touching her hand. "Pony will pay for this,"

"Why Pony, though?" Katie questioned.

"Well, if it weren't for his departure, this shit would have never happened," Pandy grumbled.

Katie shrugged, before going away.

"Maybe its better if we don't let him near her," Pandy suggested to Baren. "And what's the plan? Kill him?" she added, polishing her katana which is strapped to her back at all times.

"No," Baren muttered. "I already have an idea,"

"Which is?"

"Sit here,"

They both sat on a bench by the door. "So tomorrow, first thing morning, we'll use the bazooka hidden in one of the crates in the storage room. Then we commit arson at the safe house. Felix reckons that he knows the safe house they are currently in; he loves taking short walks in every mornings,"

"Sounds a great plan,"

Pandy stared at him in wonder. "Oh great," she muttered. "I also have a plan,"

"That'll be Plan B. What's the plan?"

"Sneak an infected in the safe house,"

"You can't just sneak an infected there,"

"Where is this safe house, anyway?"

"In a hotel,"

"Isn't there a security cyborg by the entrance?"

"You have been there before?"

"Uhm... when I first moved here from China, I used to stay in that hotel for a while,"


"I'll program that cyborg into being hostile, and seal them inside it,"

"You know how to program a robot?"

"All I know is that there's a remote control by its jean pocket and it has three modes: passive, aggressive, and hostile,"

"So that remote controls its cyborg parts?"

"Well... yes,"


"Then we stock it in the elevator,"


"And ambush the survivors in,"


"After we commited arson,"


Pandy crossed her arms. "You keep on saying 'okay'!" she grumbled. "Can't you say something else?"

Baren smirked. "Okay,"

"I thought I said-"

Baren suddenly grabbed her wrists as Pandy was about to hit him. "Too slow~" he cooed, pinning her against a wall.

Pandy's eyes widened, blushing slightly. "L-Let me go Baren-"

"No, Pandy~" Baren whispered.

Then, his face went near hers. "S-stop B-Baren-" Pandy gasped.

"Lets change topic. Do you like me, Pandy?" the black bear whispered.

"Ehm... why are you asking?"

"Because I can,"

Someone coughed, making Baren release Pandy's wrists, looking at the direction of the person who coughed.

"Its only Kitty," Pandy muttered, seeing the ginger stirring. Then she glared at Baren. "Lets go before she thinks we're dating!"


Pandy crossed her arms, stomping out and away making Baren chuckle, walking after her.

Surprise!!!! I just published two chapters on one day! I know ya peeps have't expected this lol-

As I said, there will be TSP ship moments.

And ya'll be like: "Where's the Willow and Pony moment?"
And I am like: "They're still enemies, you know. Just wait,"

1.1: 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰||𝕡𝕠𝕟𝕪 𝕩 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨Where stories live. Discover now