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Pony's arms itched. All that he wants to do is to lung towards the wolf and hug her tightly. His fingers wanted to comb through her stormy gray hair which is more bushier and messier than ever. Just ignore everyone else and wrap her in his arms and say "I'm back now, Willow,"

He hasn't seen her for days, but days felt like years. Despite him slightly disliking her because she forced her to infect Doggy, he still misses her a lot, plus he wants to tell her that she's already forgiven.

Pony also wants to check on her if she has any injuries, or old wounds, and be a brother (or her bodyguard 7w7) to her and saving her from the infected again.

But he can't do it. He knows that Willow thinks that he hates her. So she hates him as well, and Pony just wants to let her know about what she needs to know. He wants to do all of those right now.

A tear traced down his cheek. Those feelings he wants to do is irresistible. 

Gloomily, he clenched his fists.

In the other hand, Willow misses him too (of a sudden?) but she was afraid that Pony was still mad at her, and he'll just snap at her to go away. Then she noticed the horse's tear, making her sniff before sighing sadly.

"Pony, the ex-member," she said tonelessly. "Its a shame you had left. You were a very good friend to us. Its too bad that you're nothing to me now,"

Pony just stared at her sadly.

"Officer Rachelle and Sequence," Willow continued in a tone of mock politeness, looking down at the two red-heads, who are both glaring up at her. "You two are the ones who took me away from my family. It must feel good to rip me away from the one I've care about right?"

Then she looked down at the cheeky red-head. "Stand up, you little-"

"Ow," Sequence grumbled, as the wolf kicked her in the shin. "I'm only 11-"

"I don't care," Willow growled. Then she rounded on Zizzy, who had her fists clenched. "Who might you be? You might be that ' childhood friend' Pony was talking about... or girlfriend maybe?" she added sourly.

She's no girlfriend of mine, please... Pony thought, looking at the wolf pleadingly, who took no notice.

"Its none of your business about my relationship with Pony!" Zizzy snarled, though she's a little red-faced herself. "And you may not know me, but I know everything about you and your sick crew!" 

That made Baren, Pandy, Kitty, and Tigry's fists tighten on their weapon, but Willow held her hand up, and their grip relaxed... well, a bit.

Willow then scoffed. "And I s'pose Pony has told you everything about us, did he? That was one of his current flaws, heh. He could never keep his mouth shut,"

Don't say that you hate me... 

Willow smirked and turned to the company she has with. "What can I do with her?" she questioned mockingly.

The 4 of them smirked, knowing well what was going to happen next.

Before Willow could say something else, Pony couldn't stop himself. He immediately lunged towards the wolf, who's eyes widened in surprise.

"Whoa there!" Pandy yelled, placing the blade of her katana between him and Willow like a border. "You can't touch any part of her, traitor,"

"Stop calling him that!" Zizzy shrieked.

"Please Willow..." Pony pleaded in a whisper. "I-I want to hug you so badly... we're still friends right?"

"I see no friend," Willow said blankly, thinking of his betrayal.


Willow only kicked him hard in the stomach, making him gasp, a bit of blood trickling down his mouth as he slumped down on the ground. 

"PONY!!!!!!!" the two red heads and the zebra screamed.


"Willow," Baren said at once, approaching her and looking at her in the eye.

They have a mental conversation for a few seconds, making the other 3 look at the two leaders curiously, but with the other 3 female Safe Place members looking at the wolf in outrage.

Then Willow sighed, nodding before letting Baren take hold of the zebra of a sudden. "Take the zebra, you other three," she ordered. "Leave those three to rot,"

Tigry then bound the zebra in the wrists using the ropes he used to tie Poley, who yelled "FUCK WILLOW!" 

Willow sighed. Her hate of Pony's departure has filled her with more hate towards him. All that she wanted to do is to forget him, shut him off his life, even hurt him, as revenge.

She also has lost hope of him forgiving her, though.

Then she took the hanky from her pocket, sniffing, while Pandy and Kitty are preventing the two red-heads from coming closer to the zebra.

Pony started to stir slightly, before noticing the hanky, making another tear fall from his cheek.

"This looks useless," Willow told the black bear, who had just punched Zizzy in the face, making her unconscious with an extra nosebleed. "Use this to her as a gag, just in case that she starts whining later,"

Baren then nodded, taking the yellow hanky before tying it around the zebra's mouth.

"Lets go," he called out to the others.

Then the TSP members walked away, their figures blending in the trees.

"Come on, Pony," Sequence muttered. "You can rest here for a while, then catch up with us-"

"No," Pony said, standing up at once. "We need to save Zizzy,"

"Who are those people, Pony?" Rachelle questioned.

"I'll explain it later. Lets go," Pony said sternly, walking towards the direction where the TSP members went.

While walking, Pony felt more tears spilling from his face. "I-I still forgive you, Willow," he muttered to himself. "You did that for revenge, right?"

They'll reunite again, no worries.

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