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"We can use that spare boat right there," Mimi said at once, as they arrived at the port itself.

Willow stared at the boat, before shrugging. "I think only 4 people can fit there," she said, squinting at the silhouette of the boat.

The mole looked up at the lighthouse instead. "Maybe if we can find something to light that up, it'll attract a boat for sure!"

"But its the infection, smarty-pants!" Sequence said with a laugh.

Mimi scowled. "I know what I am doing, Sequence," she grumbled. "Trust me, there is at least one survivor at the sea,"

Sequence only laughed. "Whatever," she said, marching off along with the Italian by her side.

After that, it got a bit too quiet. Nothing could be heard except for the waves crashing and the wind whistling, with annoying footsteps from an infected dugong.

Finally, Willow sighed, before turning around to see Pony watching the waves along with his hands propped in the railings, with his face in deep thought about something.

The wolf took a deep breath, before approaching him shyly.

"Pony?" she mumbled, tapping his shoulder.

He cocked his head towards her. "Yes Willow?" he asked.

"A-About earlier..."

Pony knew what she meant, and he invited her to watch the waves with him. Willow did so, before feeling an arm around her shoulder.

They both watched the waves peacefully and Willow rested her head on his shoulder. "I-I'm sorry for trying to... kill myself earlier," she mumbled.

Pony only hummed. "It's okay, Willow," he said gently, looking down at her. "The only thing that matters to me is that you're still breathing, your heart is still beating, and your eyes still open,"

Willow giggled. "Cheesy for you to say, Pony," she said, removing her head from his shoulder.

Then, the smile faded from her face. "Did you really mean all of those things you said earlier?" she stammered. "And the kiss?"

Pony only nodded. "Of course Willow," he said. "And I have more confessions to come," he added with his iconic wink.

"Like what?"

"Let's say that... you're something,"

Willow looked surprised. "Really?"

Pony smiled. "Really," he said. "But that's just the first one, and I'll get to tell those soon,"

He pryed her hair covering her forehead, and gave her a light kiss on the forehead, and hugged her tightly.

"Ow," Willow groaned. "You're squishing me like a bug,"

"Haha..." Pony teased, as the light from the lighthouse shone, and the sound coming from a boat was heard.

"There's a ship coming!" Mimi pointed out, maKing Zuzy (who has her stomach on the floor) stand up at once.

"I'll fetch Quence, wait-" Pony said, running off.

"A ship!" Zuzy squealed, pointing.

Then a large ship came into view, entitled THE MEDORA.

And a ladder fell.

"Go on first, kids," Mimi said, ushering the kids up first.

As they first climbed up, the two redheads appeared. "Where's Pony?" our Italian said, scanning the crowd.

Willow looked bewildered. "He says he's looking for you two," she said confusingly. "How come-"

"Sorry!" Pony gasped, appearing out from nowhere. "I thought... I thought you two are in danger-"

"It's okay, Pony," said Sequence with a grin. "What matters is that you're here now,"

Then, the rest boarded the ship.

Did you know, Pony didn't even bother to find the redheads after all, no. In fact, he used his 'breaking in' skills in the last pie heist and used it to break into an abandoned house, and got something for someone...

I wonder what that something is???

Unexpected update? I think I'll be updating randomly now-

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