Chapter 3 - Finding You

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Time for weekend update! Hope you're enjoying the story so far. Now, it's time for Santi's POV. Enjoy our Mr. Country Boy!. :)


I couldn't help but stare at her as she graciously entered the coffee shop. She went straight to the counter to order her drink - Chai Tea Latte. She still looks fresh and glowing even though it's almost the end of the day. I sat deliberately at the far end of the coffee shop and made sure she wouldn't see me. I already know her routine. She likes getting a drink after work and enjoying her walk home. I envy how carefree she looks, as if she doesn't have any problems in this world. When in fact, I know how difficult her life has been.

With the few months that I followed and tried to learn everything about her, I've seen her strong character. I could see that she's tough but still has a very caring, sweet personality. And it's hard to find that in an individual. I could tell her mom raised her well.

I didn't know what to expect of her the first time I came here in the city. All I know is that the private investigator that I hired had a hard time locating her. It took months before he was able to finally get a lead. It was a dead end because when her mom passed away several years ago, Carla left the country for good.

At first, I didn't want to do this task. I'm busy with our farm back home. We have acres of land and Mama Ava and I run the Hacienda Ramirez. We have mango orchards, rice, pineapple and sugar cane plantations. Not to mention the cattle, goats and horses that we raise back home.

Growing up in a hacienda has been the best thing about my childhood. I love the peace and quiet of farm life. I was amazed at the hard labor that our farmers devote to the crops and their patience in raising and taking care of our animals. I look up a lot to my Lolo (Grandpa) Anton who taught me the value of work. He immersed himself at work when my Lola (Grandma) died after giving birth to my Mama Ava and Uncle Amir. They are twins.

I would always go with my Lolo Anton when he made his rounds in the hacienda while riding his favorite thoroughbred horse. He was the one who taught me how to ride. After I learned, there was no turning back. Every morning, I would go with him when he visits the plantations and talks with our farmers. He treated everybody as his equal. He would never let anyone feel that he's the boss. He even helped with planting crops. But his favorite of course is the harvest season. Mama Ava and I would go with him when it was harvest time, and we would enjoy seeing all the fruits of our hard labor.

However, he passed away when I was a teenager. At fifteen, I was hands on in the farm helping Mama Ava. My Mommy Lucy on the other hand never liked dirty work. So, she does the bookkeeping, accounting and finances of the farm. They are great partners. They complement each other. I'm amazed at how they love each other. I've never imagined that two women can be perfect for each other. They taught me that love transcends any gender.

When I asked Mama Ava how Lolo Anton took it when she introduced Mommy Lucy for the first time, she said that he didn't take it well initially. It was hard for Lolo to accept that her only daughter fell in love with the same sex. Even her twin brother, my Uncle Amir, didn't approve of their relationship. Both were surprised to see two beautiful and gorgeous women who wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.

They met each other when Mama Ava took art classes in France while Mommy Lucy was a freelance model. They met each other in an art gallery and the rest was history. Eventually, Lolo Anton and Uncle Amir accepted Mommy Lucy. I could tell Lolo learned to love Mommy Lucy like a real daughter because she's very easy going and laid back. Mama Ava on the other hand is a workaholic. This was of course the result of being brought up by my hard worker Lolo Anton.

Mama Ava is a talented painter/artist like Uncle Amir. However, it eventually just became a hobby for her to paint as she was the one that Lolo groomed to take over the hacienda. Uncle Amir, on the other hand, pursued painting and left the hacienda. He never liked farm life but comes to visit us often. He likes the fast-paced life in the big city. He's a well sought bachelor and a typical male artist. He loves cigarettes, alcohol and women. He never got into serious relationships and said he would never get married. He didn't like responsibilities.

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