Chapter 23 - The Wedding

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It was an amazing wedding. The bride and groom exchanged vows perfectly timed at sunset. Even though I don't know them personally, I got teary eyed during that solemn moment. I caught a glimpse of Santi with Haley sitting in front. They look perfect together. Haley was holding Santi's arm the whole time during the ceremony.

I wonder what she would feel once she knows he's in love with someone else. Santi will definitely break a lot of hearts when he makes it known who's the lucky girl; and that includes me. I feel so pathetic. I unconsciously let out a deep sigh.

"Is something bothering you? Are you okay?" Gavin asked concerned. He probably heard me.

"No, I'm fine. I just remembered how much work I need to do when I go back." I lied.

"Really? You're thinking about work at this beautiful moment? You're a workaholic, lady." He teased me. I grinned at his remark.

"You must be bored. Seems you don't like weddings, huh. Don't worry, the ceremony is almost done. We can go and get some drinks before the reception. Just relax, forget about work, and enjoy." He smiled.

After the priest announced that Nate and Ria were officially husband and wife, a loud roar of applause congratulated the newlywed couple. Butterflies and bubbles filled the whole venue which was a sight to behold. By this time, Gavin grabbed my hand and ushered me on the other side of the garden where cocktails are being served.

Waiters are now everywhere serving appetizers while the guests are enjoying their drinks. Dinner and reception will not be for another hour to give way for the wedding pictorial of the bride, groom, and the whole entourage. The dim yellow lights were now lit across the whole venue, and it was a spectacular sight. I could feel the soft breeze of night air touching my skin.

"Are you cold?" Gavin asked and was about to take off his coat and drape it on me, but I stopped him.

"Oh no. I love the soft breeze. I'm enjoying it." I reassured him.

"I totally forgot that you're a New Yorker. You're used to colder weather than this." He chuckled and I nodded smiling at him. Suddenly, I saw a tall handsome guy walking towards us.

"Look who's here, Dr. Gavin Mendez! I haven't seen you for ages, Bro! Are you hiding from me?" The guy smiled at Gavin and patted him on the back while glancing at me. He then focused his gaze on me and gave me a wider smile.

This guy has a boyish charm on him. He has cute dimples that would make any girl swoon. I could tell he is aware of his traits and knows how to use it to win over girls. I could smell he is trouble, a player. I've seen a lot of these guys in New York.

"You didn't tell me you already have a girlfriend, Bro. And a very beautiful one. Do you care to introduce me to her?" He asked Gavin without taking his eyes off me. Just to be polite, I mustered to smile at him.

"Oh Milo, this is Carla. She's Santi's cousin. She's not my girlfriend but a very good friend." Gavin replied tartly. Seems he didn't like Milo's blatant admiration of me. He draped his arm around my shoulder and I let him. I didn't want to embarrass him in front of Milo. He's probably trying to protect me from this playboy.

"Wow! I couldn't believe Santi is hiding her beautiful cousin from me, to think I'm his business partner. It's a pleasure meeting you, Carla." He offered his hand, and I took it. Instead of shaking it, he kissed my hand gently while keeping his gaze glued at my face.

"Likewise." I said politely, then, took my hand out of his grip.

"So, have you been here long? How come Santi has never mentioned you? That guy is very secretive."

"I've been here for a few weeks. I came to visit my dad and the whole family. I'm also leaving soon." I replied.

"Uncle Amir is your dad? Wow, I didn't know Uncle had a daughter!" He looked surprised.

"Yes, unfortunately he has. Lucky him." I said sarcastically.

"Oh, I didn't mean to offend you. I was just surprised, that's all. It's really nice to meet you. I hope you get to stay longer. I'll ask Santi to bring you over to our office so I can show you around this beautiful town. I could smell you're a city girl."

"She's from New York." Gavin butted in. He didn't want to be left out of the conversation. I could feel he's a little annoyed.

"Oh wow. Now I know why Santi left for New York. He probably came to visit you there, am I right?" I nodded at him.

"So, you've finally met Carla." I suddenly heard a familiar voice behind me that made me shiver. I turned around while Gavin kept his arm around me. Santi has a serious expression on his face. He was staring intently at me, and I saw him glance at Gavin's arm around me. He made a smirk.

"So, are you guys together now? You already said "yes" to Gavin? That was fast." Santi said mockingly at me. I was about to counter him sarcastically, but Gavin beat me to it.

"Oh no, Santi. Where did you come up with that?" Gavin said politely.

"I didn't know Carla just lets anybody wrap their arms around her. Oh, I totally forgot she's a liberated New Yorker." He sneered.

Gavin probably felt embarrassed and removed his arm around me. I looked at Santi incredulously. What's up with him tonight? He has been acting strange since we were in the mansion. He has been mocking me the whole time. To think we just had a nice conversation a few nights ago.

"Are you drunk or something, Santi? You're acting like a total ass, for crying out loud." I shot back at him. I heard Milo chuckling at my remark while Santi kept a straight face, not averting his gaze away from me.

"For your information, I can let anybody put their arms around me and it's none of your business. So, stop being overprotective of me, my dear cousin. I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself. Come on, Gavin. Let's leave this jerk here. I don't want him to ruin this night." I grabbed Gavin's hand to get away from Santi and Milo. He just accused me of being a flirt in front of his friends and I'm so mad at him right now.

"Are you okay?" Gavin asked as soon as we stepped inside the large pavilion where the wedding reception will take place.

"No, I'm not okay. Santi has been a jerk the past couple of days. He's being overprotective of me. Even Tita Ava noticed it and already told him to stop treating me like his little sister." I said exasperated.

"I noticed that, too. But I don't think he's being overprotective. He has always been nice to me but lately, I could feel that he despised me. And I think I know what's going on." Gavin said with a deep sigh.

"What do you think is going on? I didn't know that he's not treating you right and I want to apologize about his behavior. He's overreacting. He keeps on insinuating that you like me. I already told him you're just being nice and you're a real gentleman."

"Actually, he's right. I do like you. I like you a lot. Now it's out in the open." He smiled while looking intently at me.

"Oh...." That's all I was able to say.

"I wanted to tell you tonight. I know you'll be leaving in a few weeks, that you're not staying here. But I was wondering if you would be okay if we continue to get in touch even when you're abroad. I haven't had long distance relationships but I'm willing to try this time in case this goes to something else. That's how much I like you." He said sincerely. I kept quiet. I was still processing Gavin's confession.

"You don't have to say anything, Carla. I know it came as a shock to you. But I hope you'll let me show you how strong I feel about you. I hope you'll give me a chance." By this time, he held my hand and squeezed it gently.

"Oh, Gavin. I hope you'll give me time to process this."

"Like what I said, no pressure, Carla. You don't have to give me an answer right now. Let's just enjoy the night." I nodded at him and smiled.   

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