Chapter 13 - Reunited

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I can't help but marvel at Tristan and Alecx's mansion. This is the second time I've been here, and a lot has changed. They didn't have the twins yet the last time I visited.  From the furniture, to the chandelier and paintings on the wall, it boasts of class and elegance.

Tristan ushered me all the way to the back of the house.  As soon as I opened the sliding glass doors and stepped out of the garden, I heard a shriek of delight coming from Alecx. It has been a long time coming. Finally, I'm reunited with my best friend.

"Bes!!!" She lunged at me and we hugged each other tight. Tristan couldn't help but chuckle in the background. He then left us and went back inside so we could have our alone time together.

"I miss you! Did you have a good flight? Are you tired? Do you want something to eat?" She barraged me with questions.

"Hold up. One at a time my dear! I missed you too and I'm okay. Don't worry about me. I took a power nap just before we landed so I'm good." I grinned at her.

"Do you want me to take you to your room? So you can freshen up and relax? Party is not until in an hour." She offered.

"I told you don't worry about me. I'm okay. Is there anything else you need? I can help you set up."

"Oh no we're fine. The catering service just came so they're already setting up.  I can get you some food. You may be starving.  They have your favorite sweet spaghetti."  She said invitingly. I suddenly remembered Santi when she said that.  I tried to shake him out of my head.  This is not the time to reminisce about him. 

"I'll eat later, Bes. I ate some snacks while waiting for Tristan so I'm okay. By the way, where are the twins? I'm excited to meet them. I just see them on FaceTime."

"Mom has them. They should be on their way back here. She got them this morning so I can prepare and set up everything. They can be a handful, you know?" She let out a soft chuckle.  Alecx kept her arm around my waist while we're talking and didn't want to let go. My best friend missed me a lot and I'm so touched.  Suddenly we heard two loud screams out of nowhere.

"Mommy!!!" The twins shouted in unison while running towards their mom. Alecx hugged them both. She almost got tackled by the two kids when she stooped down to receive them in her arms. I can see pure happiness on Alecx's face.

"Hello sweethearts! Did you have a good time with Nana?" She looked at both of them to which the twins nodded in unison.

"That's great. By the way, I want you to meet mommy's best friend. You always see her on the phone when we call her. You remember Tita (Auntie) Carla? You just talked to her a few days ago. She came all the way to surprise you both for your birthdays! Come say hi to her!"

The twins turned towards me and shyly looked at me. They're so adorable. They are fraternal twins. Alecx has always wished for a girl and a boy and got one of each. How lucky could she be? The Gods are always in Alecx's favor.

Avery looks like a replica of Tristan while Taylor is a mix of Alecx and Tristan's features. Both are beautiful kids. I bet Alecx will have a hard time with these two when they grow up to be teenagers.  Boys and girls will flock to them.

"Hello Babies! How are you? I'm excited to see you both. I have a lot of toys and chocolates for you!" I said to them smiling so they'll warm up to me. Their eyes suddenly twinkled when they heard that. I stooped down and they gave me a tight embrace. I couldn't help but smile at their reaction.

"Thanks Tita Carla. Where is it? Can I eat it now?" Avery asked. He's so cute when he said my name. He still can't pronounce his "r" well, so it sounded like "Caya." I bet Taylor is the same.

"It's still in my bag but we can get it if you like. You want to come with me?" I asked them.

"Oh no. Avery, no more chocolates. You can eat those later. Nana said you guys just ate chocolate ice cream on your way here. Too much sugar, Baby. Maybe later, okay?" Alecx said. Avery frowned at her and Alecx gave him a stern look.

Taylor on the other hand was still looking at me and held my face. She's so sweet.

"Did you ride the plane, Tita Carla? Mommy said it's a big airplane." She asked curiously. She also pronounced my name as "Caya."

"Oh yes Baby. It's a huge plane. Maybe next time, you can come with me. Do you like that?" I asked her. She nodded emphatically and giggled at the same time. Suddenly I heard a sweet voice behind me.

"Carla! What a nice surprise!" She said smiling.

I let go of Avery and Taylor so I can stand up and pay respects to Alecx's mom. The twins hurriedly went back to Alecx.

"Hi, Tita Maggie! I miss you! It has been a long time!" I hugged her tight. She reminded me of my mom. The last time I came here for Tristan and Alecx's wedding, we hit it on the spot. She was very kind and thoughtful.

"Oh, Carla! You look so beautiful! You still look the same! Sexy and gorgeous!" I grinned at her comment.

"You too, Tita! You didn't age a bit! You look great! Did you bake my favorite cake?" I teased her.

"Of course! Alecx told me you're coming so I baked the mango mousse. Alecx said you were craving it."

"Guilty, Tita! I was dreaming of it when I was still in New York. Nothing compares to your mango cake." She laughed at my remark.

"Then, come have a piece now. I also baked sans rival. Paul is coming, that's his favorite. I know you also tried the sans rival last time you were here." I nodded and asked,

"Oh, how's Paul by the way? I want to see him, too!" The last time I came to visit, they were pairing me with Paul. However, there was no magic. We felt we were better off as buddies.

"He's doing great. You'll see him later with his girlfriend. She's beautiful like you. Her name is Cassie. Come on, let's go inside so you can have a taste of the cake. Yaya Minda also brewed some coffee. I know you love coffee, too."  Tita Maggie said invitingly. My mouth suddenly watered. I heard Alecx let out a soft chuckle.

"I thought you were not hungry. The mango mousse made you change your mind?" Alecx teased.

"Nobody can resist Tita Maggie's cake. You shouldn't have introduced me to her sweets. I'll miss it when I go back to NY."

"You just arrived and you're already thinking of going back? You need to stay here for a long time, okay? You need to relax. I already told Tristan to talk to Mr. Archer to give you some slack and let you stay here with us for a while." She winked.

"I would love that. Don't worry, I'm not going back anytime soon. I'll enjoy my time here with you guys." I smiled at her.

"How about not going back at all?  Maybe you can just stay here for good. There are more reasons now for you to stay." She said with a hidden meaning behind her remark. I stared at her, not wanting her to open that topic.

She rolled her eyes at me but still motioned that she's zipping her mouth shut. I carried Taylor who gladly wrapped her arms around my neck while Avery went to her Nana after Alecx told him "No" to chocolates. We all went inside. I can already taste the mango mousse in my mouth. I bet it will be amazing. I can't wait.

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