Chapter 15 - New Beginnings

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I glanced at the clock on my dashboard; it's 7:30 PM. I made it for dinner time.  I pulled over on the driveway and noticed a red car parked on my spot.  My mom didn't tell me we were expecting somebody tonight.

As soon as I entered the mansion, Yaya Celia greeted me in the foyer. Yaya Celia took care of me when I was a kid. She was my nanny.  She eventually stayed with us and became our female butler.  She is very loyal to our family.

"Hi Yaya. Are they already in the dining room?"

"They're in the main living room. They're waiting for you." She said joyfully.

"That's odd. Do we have a visitor?" She nodded.

"A very beautiful visitor. Go look for yourself." She smiled.

She poked my curiosity. I hurriedly went towards the living room.

"Ma, whose car was parked on the...." I didn't finish my sentence. I was shocked to see who was sitting on the couch beside Uncle Amir. It seemed that they were chatting while she was holding his hand.  As soon as she heard my voice, she looked at me and smiled. She stood up and greeted me.

      "Hello Santi." She said briefly. She kept her lovely smile on her face.

      Like the first time we met, Carla took my breath away. I remembered she was so mad at me when I played that country music loudly.  But still, that anger didn't hide her beautiful face. I was mesmerized staring at her that time and was oblivious to all the words coming from her mouth. All I knew is I had a fierce angel in front of my apartment door.  That's why I called her Alita at that time.

     Now, it's like Deja vu. Here she is standing in front of me.  But this time, she's smiling instead of lashing out at me. I didn't even think twice. I went towards her and hugged her tight. I miss her. She was caught off guard with what I did. I could feel that she kept her arms on her side and didn't return my warm hug. I bet she thought we were not even close but for me, it was like I knew her for a while. Probably because of those times that I followed and spied on her.

     I heard my Uncle Amir cleared his throat and I realized I've been hugging her for a long time. I let her go and I saw her blushing.  Gosh!  She looks beautiful. I would never get tired staring at her face.

     "It seems you've missed her a lot, Santi." Uncle Amir teased. This is the first time I saw Uncle looking so happy. 

      When I came back and told him that Carla was busy and won't be able to visit him, he was devastated. I didn't have the nerve to tell him and Mama Ava. Only Mommy Lucy knew that Carla was so angry at Uncle Amir.  I didn't want to hurt Uncle. I think that was the best decision I made, not to tell Uncle the truth that her only daughter hated him.  I knew Carla would eventually let her guard down. And indeed, she came around.

     "You literally almost took her breath away with that hug, Santi." Mommy Lucy was grinning when she made that comment.  Mama Ava on the other hand was eyeing me curiously.

      "I missed her, Mom. We had fun times together while I was in New York. Right Carla?" I put my arm around her shoulder. She looked at me with an amused expression on her face. She was still quiet, seemed at a loss for words.

      "Seems like you lost your tongue, my dear. Usually, you talk a lot." I teased her. She elbowed me on my side.

      "Ouch! Now, my fierce angel is back."  I chuckled.

     "Please pardon Santi. He loves to joke especially if he's fond of the person. I could tell that you guys got along well when you met each other in New York. I'm so happy for Santi. He finally got a cousin." I grimaced at Mama Ava's remark. Why does she have to rub it on my face?

     Lord knows how I've tried to fight over my feelings for her; how I've made a huge effort to forget her, but she continued to haunt me. Seeing her again after several months woke up all the feelings I've tried to bury inside me. I don't know what will happen; I'll let nature run its course.

       "That's true. It has been tough for Santi being an only child. I knew he wanted a brother or a sister. Now, you got Carla. She's like the sister you never had." Uncle Amir said gleefully.  I suddenly felt guilty with Uncle's remark. I tried to change the topic.

      "By the way, when did you arrive? You should have told me so I could have picked you up in the airport."

     "As if I have your contact number." She smirked. "And I didn't want to inconvenience any of you. I am a big girl; I can take care of myself." 

      "You could have googled me. I'm the only one with that name." I teased her. She rolled her eyes at me.

      "I would probably google Uncle Amir, but not you." She shot back at me.

      "Wait, wait, wait! Why are you calling Uncle Amir, uncle? He's your dad. I'm the only one that's supposed to call him Uncle."

      "That's what I've been telling Carla since she came this afternoon. Can you convince her to call me Dad?" Uncle Amir asked me.

      "Maybe she's still not ready. All of these are new to her. Give her some time." Mommy Lucy answered while smiling at Carla. Carla nodded at her showing appreciation of what she did. All of us are excited and we've been putting her on the spot. Mommy Lucy is right; let her come around on her own terms.

      "So, until when are you staying here?" I asked curiously. I was hoping she would stay forever so I can always see her. I became like a teenager with a great infatuation for her.

      "I planned on being here just for a few days. But...." She hesitated and looked at Uncle Amir. "He was convincing me to stay longer."

      "Of course, I want you to stay longer. We have a lot to catch up. Like what I've told you, I won't do my physical therapy. I'll only do it if you decide to stay. I want you here by my side when I start it." Uncle Amir said. He's too stubborn and Carla got that from him. He's holding her hostage.

      I chuckled at his remark. Way to go Uncle! I loved his idea. After Uncle Amir got diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer, he continued to decline. Even his heart also got weaker. Just a few weeks ago, he underwent quadruple bypass surgery. All his vices and his habits of eating junk and fried foods caught up with him and clogged those arteries.

      He has been weak since his discharge from the hospital, so I was surprised to see him sitting a while ago on the couch and even joking around with Carla.  I believe Carla is the best medicine he needs, so he can continue fighting and go on with his life. He was a spitfire, but he lost all of that when he got sick.  Now that Carla is here, we could bring back all that spunk in him. Even on his last days, I wanted him to be the same Uncle Amir.

      Carla sighed looking defeated. She went to Uncle Amir, sat down on the couch and held his hand.

      "I'll see what I can do. I'll email my boss tonight and ask if I can extend my vacation." She smiled. I was touched by her gesture. I know she's a kind and generous soul. This is the real Carla. The proud, angry Carla that I saw before was just a pretense.

       I could see pure joy in Uncle Amir's eyes. I was so grateful Carla is here. I could smell new beginnings. I hope she stays.

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