Chapter 9 - The Truth

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     "Is this a prank? Are you playing with me, Santi?!" She stood up from her chair and was shaking her head in disbelief. I could see anger in her eyes. She looked and flipped again over the pages of the report that I gave her. Then, slammed it hard on the table.

     "It's the truth. You are Carla Maria Ramirez. Your father is a famous painter back home. And he's also the heir of Hacienda Ramirez."

     "That's bullshit!" Complete rage took over her. I could see her chest heaving. She was trying to contain her emotions. I wanted to calm her down, comfort her but I don't know how.

     "So, all this time you were spying on me?! You are a private investigator?" She asked angrily.

     "No, I'm not."

     "Then what are you?! Who are you? Satan? Bearer of the bad news?" She said sarcastically.

      "Your father, Amir Ramirez, is my uncle. He's the twin brother of my Mama Ava. I wanted to help him find you. And that's why I'm here. To bring you home to our family."

      "Another total bullshit! I don't have a family. My only family died several years ago. And what made you think I'll go with you? Whoever is that devil you're talking about, he's not my father. I don't have a father. I considered him dead the moment he left my mom when she was pregnant with me."

     "He's a good man, Carla. If you'll only give him a chance." I was trying to talk sense to her. She laughed mockingly, then, looked at me with anger in her eyes.

     "What chance are you talking about? There's no do-over Santi. He's an irresponsible bastard and I don't want anything to do with him. I told you, I already considered him dead a long time ago. Now, get out."

     "You're just in shock. Let's sit down and talk about it. Please, Carla...."

     "Get out Santi. Just get out." She said with pain in her voice. I tried to reach out and hold her, but she held her right hand up to stop me, telling me not to come near her. I could see hurt, anger, sadness in her eyes.

     "Leave Santi. Please, just leave." Tears were starting to well in her eyes. It breaks my heart to see her like this. How I wish she would let me comfort her.

     But as stubborn as she is, I know there's nothing I can do right now that would make her change her mind. This may be too much for her. I let out a deep sigh and looked at her sadly.

     "OK. I'll let you think about this first. Process everything. But I'll come back later."

     "Don't you dare come back. I don't want to see your face again. Goodbye Santi."

     I looked at her one last time before I closed the door behind me.

     I didn't see this coming. I never imagined this will be her reaction once she knows the truth. I was so naive thinking she would embrace the truth with open arms. I was wrong. She hated Uncle Amir so much. And now, that's another problem that I must deal with. I don't know how to tell my uncle that his only daughter loathed him.

     I went back to my place and crashed on my couch. I need to think this through, plan my next move. Ask Carla again to give Uncle Amir a second chance. If only I could tell her that he's sick, I would probably be able to change her mind. However, Uncle Amir emphatically told me not to tell her anything about his illness. This task just became harder than I expected.

     I scrolled down my phone and decided to call Mommy Lucy. I did a voice call instead of FaceTime. I didn't want her to see my distraught face. All I need is to hear her calm voice to help me think of my next step so I could bring Carla home.

     It just took two rings before she answered the phone.

     "Hello Sweetheart! What a pleasant surprise. How are you?" She said happily. I could imagine her beautiful face smiling.

     "Hi Mom. I'm not okay." I said straight up.

     "Hmmm. What happened? Is this about Carla?" She sounded worried.

     "I just told her the truth and it didn't go well. She hated Uncle Amir. She didn't want to come see him." I said in frustration.

     "Give her a little more time. Let her process everything first. She'll come around."

     "What if she doesn't?" I asked fearfully.

     "Then, you let it go. At least you tried your best. She has the right to decide for herself. You cannot force her to come with you."

     "Mom, but I want her to. I want her to meet her dad. I want her to meet you and Mama. She has been lonely all her life. I want her to feel that she has a family that can love and protect her for a change. I want to take care of her." I said truthfully without even realizing that my mom may have noticed my feelings for Carla. The romantic feelings that I've been fighting all this time because it's so wrong.

     I heard a deep sigh on the other end of the line.

     "Santi, do you really just want her to meet her dad or is there something else that I need to know?"

     "Nothing Mom. Just forget about what I said."

     "Santi, tell me the truth, are you falling for her? Remember, she's your cousin."

     "I know Mom. Please don't tell Mama Ava about this, okay?"

     "I won't. But you need to stop this right now. Before it's too late."

     "I know Mom. I'm trying." I'm screwed. I went silent for a while.

     "By the way, speaking of your Mama Ava, she misses you. This is the longest you've been away from us other than when you went there for college. You know she's a "softie" when it comes to you. She wants her only baby boy back home soon." I heard her let out a soft chuckle on the other end of the line.

     "Give her a call, okay? She just went to a dinner meeting with one of our distributors and will probably be back in an hour or so. She's already expecting that you're bringing Carla with you. She's planning to have a grand welcome party for her."

     "Mom, I don't know what to do! Mama and Uncle will be devastated if I'm not able to convince Carla." I let out a frustrated sigh.

     "They may feel sad, but they'll get over it. Especially Amir, he should understand if this doesn't go through the way we planned. After all, this is his fault for being an imbecile. Let him pay for what he did in his early philandering days."

     "Mom! How could you say that?" I said in disbelief. My mom is calm and laid back, but when she's mad about something, she speaks her mind. She doesn't sugarcoat.

     "Oh well, I'm just telling the truth. He also gave me a difficult time when I first came with your Mama Ava. It took several years before he acknowledged our relationship. It even took longer for him to accept me more than your Lolo Anton."

     I chuckled. Up to now, when she remembers what they've been through, she couldn't help but feel bitter towards Uncle Amir.

     "OK. I'll let you go. Goodluck, my Santi. Even though your Mama calls you a softie, you're my tough cookie. You'll figure this out. And even if it doesn't turn out the way you want it, you'll get through this. We'll all get through this, OK? I love you, Sweetheart!" I told her "I love you back" and hung up the phone.

     I laid down on my couch and saw Carla's beautiful face painted on my ceiling. She haunts me. Oh, Dear Sweet Carla, what am I going to do with you?

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