Chapter 11 - Beautiful Goodbye

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Hello everyone!!!
I'm dropping 4 chapters this weekend for your reading pleasure since it's Spring Break!  Enjoy! 😊



     I gave her space.  I waited for a few days before I attempted to talk to her again.  I have knocked multiple times at her apartment door, but she never answered.

     I decided to wait for her after work.  It's now or never.  My business partner has been calling me and bombarding me with emails daily. I just opened a farm equipment business the past year on top of helping my parents manage the hacienda.  I want to have a standalone business on my own.  Luckily, our business boomed.

     He just told me that we've been having a lot of delays from our suppliers, and I need to return as soon as possible.  I promised him that I'll only be away for a few weeks, which now turned into more than a couple of months. And all because of this stubborn woman that I've been patiently waiting to come around. 

      I was about to approach her as soon as she stepped out of the building when I saw her friend Jill meet her at the entrance.  I wanted to talk to her alone, but it seems I am out of luck today.  I sighed and headed towards them.  They stopped when they saw me.

     "Hi. Can I talk to you?" I asked humbly. She's the only girl that made me swallow my pride like this.  I'm literally begging her for her time whenever I see her and I'm getting tired of it.

      She looked at me with a devoid expression on her face, then walked past me.  I followed them again and this time, I tried to block their way.

      "Carla, please?  I just need a few minutes. I promise, after this, you will never see my face again."  I said that even though deep inside I'm hoping she'll come around and I'll be able to bring her back home with me.

      "Car, why don't you talk to him? He's asking you politely." Jill said out of nowhere.  Carla stared at her as if she's going crazy.  Jill raised her eyebrow at her, as if she's scolding a child.  Then, she continued, "I'll go ahead and do some errands. Text or call me later after you're done." She was about to walk out when Carla grabbed her arm.

      "No, you stay.  If he wants to talk to me, you can listen to what he's about to say."  Carla said stubbornly.

      "You guys need to talk alone. You don't need me here, Car."  She hugged her then went on her way.  Before she left, I mouthed thank you to her, which she acknowledged with a nod.  As soon as Jill left, Carla faced me with her arms folded in front of her chest.

      "Now, talk.  I'm just giving you a few minutes."

      "Can we please at least sit down? Why don't we go to your favorite coffee shop?"  I pointed it at her, which is just around the corner.  She quietly walked past me and headed to the coffee shop. 

      I let her sit on the table near the window while I ordered us some drinks.  I got her favorite drink, chai tea latte, and placed it in front of her.  I sat down across from her and took a sip of my espresso.  I need this before I start my spill. 

      She stared at me impatiently while toying around with her cup.  She didn't even bother to drink it.

      "I just want to say sorry again.  I don't know what I need to do for you to forgive me.  Just tell me and I will do it in a heartbeat." I said humbly. 

      "I want you to stay away from me completely. Can you do that?" She said sarcastically.

      "Is that what you really want?" I asked in resignation.  Seems I won't be able to talk sense out of her.  She's full of hatred.  Only time will tell when she will be ready to forgive me and her dad.

      But before I leave, even though Uncle Amir told me emphatically not to disclose his illness, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear him say that.  I am desperate.  I'll do anything to change Carla's mind.

      "Okay. I promise I'll be out of your life after this. All I want to say is that your dad loves you so much and has been longing to see you. He's sick, that's why I'm the one who came out to look for you. He didn't want me to tell you, but I think you have the right to know. If this is the only way that will change your mind, I'm begging you Carla, please come with me. Go see your dad."

      She just stared at me with a blank expression on her face. I wanted to shake her and let her come to her senses, but she didn't even budge. I think this is it.

      I need to accept defeat. I failed on my mission. I don't know how I'm going to tell Uncle Amir that his only daughter is as stubborn as he is, but I think he'll get past this. Like what Mommy Lucy said, he'll eventually learn to accept it.

      "Are you done? Is that it? You just wasted my time. Can I leave now?" She asked nonchalantly. I nodded at her. 

      She picked her bag on the table and was about to stand up when I suddenly held her hand without permission. She raised her eyebrow at me and was trying to remove her hand from my grip, but I didn't let her.

      "Just hear me out one last time. How I wish we met in other circumstances because I know you would have treated me better. I know deep inside that you have a kind heart. You're just letting your pride and hatred take over you at this moment. 

      "I hope there will come a time that you'll learn to forgive all of us. And when that time comes, we'll all be waiting for you. I'll be waiting for you. I believe this is not goodbye." I kissed her hand and let her go.

      I saw a glint of sadness in her eyes that she wasn't able to hide from me before she left me all alone.

      It has been a tumultuous journey for me. And this is where it ends. But I meant what I said to her a while ago. I don't think this is farewell. I know in my heart that she will learn to forgive her dad. And will learn to forgive me for lying to her. I just need to be patient and pray that it will be soon. 

      When that time comes, I hope I've gotten over all these feelings that I have for her. That I'll be ready to face her.  Accept the fact that we are cousins.  And we can't be more than that.

      I let out a deep sigh and dialed Mama Ava's phone.

      "Ma, I'm coming home."

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