Chapter 5 - Stacy's Cake

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As a treat for reaching the 8K milestone, I decided to upload two chapters this weekend. By the end of Chapter 5, we have 11,857 words!!! Hope you'll enjoy this crazy chapter. I had fun with Stacy on this. :)

Also uploaded 2 chaps on My Beautiful Liar if you want to check out my other story! First 5 chapters of those are reminiscent of college life. Enjoy! :)



I was busy cooking in the kitchen when I accidentally glanced at her in the living room.  She was absorbed typing something on her MacBook while it's sitting on her lap.  She placed both her feet in my new ottoman chair.  She looks comfortable with her position.  I can't help but stare at her.  I shook my head instantly and reminded myself to get rid of this crazy infatuation. 

     I told myself that it's okay to still care about her, but not in a romantic way. I could be like an older brother to her and protect her from now on.  She might like that since she grew up without a real family.  All she had was her mother and we would forever be grateful to her for raising such an amazing daughter.  Carla is beautiful inside and out.

    "Okay Mademoiselle! Dinner is ready! Welcome to Chef Santi's French Bistro!" I said in a French accent.  I also know how to speak a little French because of my Mommy Lucy.  She's Half French and she speaks French fluently.

    I pulled the chair for her while she had an amused look on her face.

    "Okay Chef! You're telling me I'm in a French bistro but you're serving me spaghetti which is Italian." She smirked. 

    Gosh, nothing escapes her intelligent mind! I'm just trying to lighten the atmosphere and here she is mocking me.  When will this woman ever learn to tone down her sarcasm?

    I shrugged my shoulders and just let her sit down on her chair. I brushed off her comment and served her freshly cooked pasta and fried chicken.

    "I'm just making you laugh when I did that French accent. I thought you would like it. But anyway, what's the verdict? Do you like my home style cooking?" I waited until I saw her taste the spaghetti and had a couple of bites of the crispy fried chicken.

    "In fairness, the spaghetti tastes okay.  But you're right, the fried chicken recipe ofyour mom is to die for. You pass, Chef Santi." She said while wiping the spaghetti sauce on the side of her lips.  I can't help but stare at those lips.  I cocked my head on the side trying to shake away those feelings again.  I smiled at her and acknowledged her compliment. 

    "So, I'm curious about your name, is it just Santi? Is it short for something else? Maybe Santiago?" She asked while continuing to enjoy the dinner I prepared.  I also poured a glass of Pinot Noir for her.

    "No, it's just plain Santi. Actually, I get asked that a lot. My real name is Santi Antonio Ramirez.  How about you? Is Carla your real name or do you have a second name?" I pretended that I didn't know anything about her.

    "It's Carla Maria Reyes but I don't use my second name.  I just go by plain Carla. Straight. Simple." She replied to which I nodded.

    "By the way, how did you like the music? I can't wait to hear your menacing comment. I'm pretty sure you're going to bash my friend, Chris." I said teasing her, trying to start a conversation.

    "Hmmm, not bad. I like the song "You Should Probably Leave." It has a nice tune. So, is it just country music that you listen to?" She asked curiously.

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