Chapter 20 - Green Eyed Monster

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I was frustrated.  I learned that Carla accepted the modeling job that my mom offered.  I suddenly lost my appetite but remained on my seat while pretending to enjoy the breakfast in front of me.  Mommy Lucy is all smiles while having a conversation with Mama Ava.  I was also disappointed when I didn't see Carla's face this morning.  She and Uncle Amir left early for his doctor's appointment and his physical therapy today. 

"Why the long face, Sweetheart?"  Mama Ava asked me.

"He's probably missing his beautiful cousin." Mommy Lucy teased.  I frowned at her remark.  We never talked again about my feelings towards Carla after our conversation in NY.  I'm glad she kept her promise not to tell Mama Ava.  However, if she continues teasing me like this or giving me meaningful looks when it comes to Carla, she will give me away.  Mama Ava is also a keen observer.  I don't know how my body language is in front of Carla and I'm afraid Mama Ava will guess it anytime soon.  What more if Uncle Amir learns about it.  Then, I'm screwed.  

"I'm just tired, Ma. Milo and I have been busy these past few weeks."  I replied briefly.  Milo is my business partner.  He's a mechanical engineer.  He has been one of my buddies since high school.  I bet Nate and Ria's wedding this weekend will be like a high school reunion for all of us. 

"I like that friend of yours.  He's smart and very responsible.  Not to mention that he's also a good-looking fellow.  If Gavin is not in the picture, I think he'll also be perfect for Carla."  She smiled.

"Here you go again with playing cupid, Ma.  Can you please stop that?"  I said to her annoyed.

"And here you go again with being overprotective with your cousin.  What's wrong with pairing her with your friends?  If I'm not mistaken with my math, based on what Amir told me when he impregnated her poor mother, Carla should be around late twenties, early thirties.  She's not getting any younger, darling.  She needs somebody soon especially if she wants to have kids.

"Although she really doesn't look like it.  She can pass for late teens, early twenties.  It's good she has the Ramirez blood; we look younger than our real age. We have the elixir of youth." She grinned.  

Mama Ava is very proud of the Ramirez genes.  I saw Mommy Lucy smirking at her.  We know there is more spill coming from her about the Ramirez features, so I braced myself.  But Mommy Lucy saved the day and cut her off abruptly.

"Enough of bragging, Honey.  You already made your point.  On a side note, how's it going with you and Haley, Santi?"  Mommy Lucy asked me.  

Now, Mama Ava raised her eyebrow while looking at me.  She doesn't like Haley after she broke up with me.  Haley said she's not ready for a serious relationship and just called it quits last time without any explanation.  Now, she is doing everything to win me back.  I think she was very immature when we started our relationship.  She didn't know what she wanted back then. 

"We are just friends, Mom.  Nothing more." I replied to Mommy Lucy

"Then, why has she been visiting a lot lately?  And she's even acting like your girlfriend just a couple of days ago when we were having breakfast."  Mama Ava seemed annoyed.  I let out a soft chuckle at her reaction.

"Don't worry, Ma.  I'm not getting back with her, period."  I reassured her.

"So, if you don't want Haley for our dear Santi, do you have anybody in mind?  Have you found a lucky girl for your only son?"  Mommy Lucy teased her.

"Not yet Honey. But I know I'll find somebody soon for our darling, Santi."  She reached out to me and squeezed my hand. 

"You know I'm a grown up, Ma.  I can find the girl I want.  So please, stop matchmaking." I reminded her.

"Why, did you already find somebody? I could tell you're being secretive lately and not yourself since you came back from NY.  Did you meet somebody there?  Tell me!" She said excitedly.  Mommy Lucy cleared her throat and looked at me intently, wondering what my response would be.

"Nobody Ma.  Please, don't worry about me.  I will find my girl soon."  I let out a deep sigh.  If she only knew that I already found her.  She will be devastated when she learns it's Carla.  By this time, I'm already sure of my feelings for Carla.  I'm in love with my cousin.  And it is the sad truth.  Now, my only dilemma is should I pursue this even though I know it's forbidden? I tried to switch the topic away from me before I get busted by Mama.

"So, is Uncle Amir seeing his surgeon today?" I couldn't recall if he already had a post op check after his bypass surgery.  Before Carla arrived, Mama Ava was the one making sure all the appointments for Uncle Amir are in the calendar. He has an Oncologist, Pulmonologist, Cardiologist, and the Cardiothoracic Surgeon was the new addition.

"Oh Darling, he already had his post-op check.  He came to see Dr. Mendez this morning.  Then, he will start his cardiopulmonary rehab today." Mama Ava clarified.

"They went to see Gavin?  Isn't he doing house calls for Uncle?"

"I guess now that your uncle is starting his therapy, Gavin will stop coming here.  He will see him in clinic instead." Mama replied nonchalantly.

Darn! That means he'll get to see Carla again!  I wonder if they already exchanged numbers.  I saw them talking last time during breakfast and both were looking at their phones.  I'm starting to behave like a creepy, jealous boyfriend and I'm not liking this.  I have never been a jealous type until now.  Carla turned my world upside down.   

"Well, I'll go ahead my ladies.  I'll meet Milo in a few.  We have a presentation to make on a new prospective client."  I stood up and kissed them both on their cheeks.

"Wait, you are not done with your breakfast yet, Darling."  Mama commented looking at my half-done plate.

"Ma, I'm already full. And I don't want to be late to our meeting." I said to her politely. 

I went on my way.  I lied to them when I said I am meeting up early with Milo.  Our meeting with that client is not until noon.  I drove all the way to Gavin's clinic to check if Uncle and Carla are there.  I don't want to start my day without seeing Carla's beautiful face.  I'm addicted to her. 

I was disappointed after finding out they were not there.  Gavin's receptionist said that he is in the hospital doing his rounds and that's also where the cardiopulmonary rehab unit is located.  Good thing is it's just adjacent to the clinics and connected with a covered walkway.  After looking at the directory in the lobby and asking the hospital concierge in front, I was able to find my way to the rehab unit.  I learned that this is a new addition to the hospital and just opened a year ago. 

As I entered the automatic sliding glass doors, my gaze focused on the fancy waiting reception area.  And I didn't like what I saw.  Gavin was sitting with Carla on a two-seater couch.  There was a small coffee table in front of them with two cups and a plate full of pastries.  Gavin's arm was on the back of the couch giving one an illusion that it is draped around Carla's shoulder.

I saw Gavin's other hand reach out to the edge of Carla's lips and wiped it with a napkin.  It seemed to me that they are getting closer in just a few days.  Jealousy took over me. I left without them noticing I was even there as they are preoccupied with each other's company. 

My intent to start my day right by getting a glimpse of Carla's face did not turn out as I planned.  Instead, it turned me into a green-eyed monster, and I know the scene that I witnessed a while ago will replay in my mind repeatedly. 

I slammed my foot on the gas pedal and drove away from the hospital.  I don't want to see that rehab unit again.

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