Kalos Part 2

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The sun was starting to get low in the sky when Vilnis passed through Camphrier Town, which was the next town to the west of Lumiose City. His goal was to make it to Ambrette Town by dark.

"I wonder how much longer it will take to get there," Vilnis said to himself. "I'd better check." He pulled out his phone from his pocket. Before leaving Lumiose City, Professor Sycamore updated Vilnis's phone with a Rotom which also gave him access to the latest Pokedex information.

"It's like I'm a real Pokemon Trainer. Rotom, how long will it take to get to Ambrette Town from my current location?" The phone dinged in response to Vilnis's question.

"From your current location, it should take approximately two hours to get to Ambrette Town," The Rotom replied. "Up ahead is Parfum Palace. A popular attraction for passersbys to enjoy."

"A palace? I bet Eevee would like to see that." Vilnis reached into his bag to retrieve Eevee's Pokeball. "Come out, Eevee." The Pokeball opened and Eevee emerged in a bright light. "Eevee, we're going to be passing by a palace soon. Let's run there!"

Eevee let out an excited cry and took off running next to Vilnis. Soon, they were able to see the palace.

"That's amazing!" Vinis cheered. "Rotom, can you tell me about this palace?" The phone dinged again.

"Parfum Palace is a massive tourist attraction in Kalos located on Route 6 between Camphrier Town and Ambrette Town. It's said that this palace was built by a king who lived here over 3,000 years ago."

"Wow, that's so cool. What do you think, Eevee?" In response to the question, Eevee let out another cheerful cry. "I think it's amazing too. You know, Eevee, would you like to travel by my side on the way to Geosenge Town instead of inside your Pokeball?" Eevee nodded it's head in agreement.

"I almost forgot, the updates to my phone include a Pokedex. Let's see what the Pokedex has to say about Eevee," Vilnis said. The phone dinged once more.

"Eevee: The Evolution Pokemon. Eevee has an unstable genetic make up which can suddenly mutate based on the environment it lives in, causing it to evolve. Eevee can evolve into one of 8 different Pokemon."

"All Eevee are interesting. But look at this," Vilnis showed Eevee the Pokedex. "Usually, Eevee have brown fur like the one in this picture. But your fur in white. That's what we call a Shiny Pokemon. It means that you are special." Eevee kept looking at the photo in the Pokedex with wonder in its eyes. "We'd better get going if we want to make it to our destination tonight.


Some time had passed as Vilnis and Eevee made their way through Route 6 and the Connection Caves. It was now dusk when Ambrette Town came into view. Vilnis and Eevee were on the cliffs above Ambrette Town when Vilnis's Rotom Phone buzzed. He pulled it out of his pocket.

"Warning! This area is known to have unstable ground and deep ravines!" Rotom said.

"We'll just have to be careful," Vilnis said to Eevee. "Since our destination is so close, how about we take a minute to rest. I'm actually quite thirsty." Vilnis placed his bag on the ground and took a seat on a nearby boulder while taking a drink from his water bottle.

Just then, the ground started to shake and fall beneath Vilnis and Eevee. They plunged into a ravine. When they hit the ground, Vilnis blacked out.


Vilnis was awoken by small taps on his shoulder. As he opened his eyes the only thing he could see was the moon shining in the night sky above the ravine. The area surrounding him was pitch black.
"Eevee?" he called. "Where are you? Are you hurt?" Eevee replied with a soft coo and nestled up to Vilnis. "I'm glad you're okay." He moved to get up. "We have to find a way out of this ravine. I think the walls are too steep to climb."

Vilnis reached for his bag and then stopped. "Oh no, my bag is still up there." He then reached into his pocket for his phone. "At least we still have this. I can call for help. Rotom, call the police station in Ambrette Town." The phone gave two sharp buzzes.

"There is no signal," Rotom replied.

"Great, now how will we get out?" Vilnis wondered out loud. "We might be down here all night. And it's so dark, I can't see anything." Suddenly, Vilnis and Eevee heard a scurrying sound coming from the darkness of the ravine. "What was that? Rotom, I need you to activate the flashlight!" The Rotom phone activated the flashlight to show a horde of angry Ariados.

"Oh no, those Ariados must live down here. We must have disrupted them!"

The Rotom phone dinged again, accessing the Pokedex. " Ariados: The Long Leg Pokemon. Ariados's feet are tipped with tiny hooked claws that enable it to scuttle on ceilings and vertical walls. This Pokémon constricts the foe with thin and strong silk webbing."

The lead Ariados stepped forward and sent out a String Shot which tightly wrapped around Vilnis. It then shot another String Shot towards Eevee. Eevee quickly dodged the attack and retaliated with a sparkling Swift attack.

"Eevee, be careful!" Vilnis called out. The other Ariados attacked Eevee with String Shot, tightly constricting it. The leader of the wild Ariados was face to face with Eevee now, powering up a Psychic attack. "No!" Vilnis Screamed.

Suddenly, a beam of moonlight came down and struck Eevee. Eevee began to shine brightly with the moonlight and began to change shape.

"Eevee? Is that..." Vilnis started. "Evolution?" The light faded away to reveal the newly evolved Umbreon. "Eevee, you evolved into Umbreon!" Umbreon had blue rings all over its body that resemble moonlight. The rings glowed showing that it was powered up. Umbreon broke free from the String Shot and struck the horde of Ariados with a Shadow Ball. The Ariaods began to cower away.

"Umbreon, quick, use another Swift attack!" Vilnis commanded. Another sparkling Swift attack hit the Ariados. They quickly retreated into the darkness of the ravine. "Umbreon, that was incredible!"

Umbreon then walked over to Vilnis and chewed through the String Shot that binded him. After he was free, Vilnis held up his Rotom phone. It dinged again.

"Umbreon: The Moonlight Pokemon. Umbreon evolved as a result of exposure to the moon's waves. It hides silently in darkness and waits for its foes to make a move. When exposed to the moon's aura, the rings on its body glow faintly and it's filled with a mysterious power."

"Umbreon, you saved us!" Vilnis wrapped his arms around Umbreon in a heartfelt embrace. "They say that Eevee evolves into Umbreon when they have a strong bond with their Trainers. We've only been traveling together for a day, but I do feel our bond and I am so happy to have you as my partner." Umbreon replied with a joyful cry. "Now, let's find a way out of here."

Vilnis and Umbreon walked back to the wall of the ravine. The walls were too steep for them to climb up. Suddenly, a voice called out from above.

"Is someone down there?" The voice belonged to a young woman.

"Yes! My Pokemon and I fell down here and we can't climb up by ourselves. We were also attacked by some wild Ariados. I tried calling for help, but there is no signal down here."

"Hold tight, I'll call the police station and Officer Jenny can help get you out of there."


A half an hour later, Officer Jenny and her team had rescued Vilnis and Umbreon from the Ravine.

"It's a good thing this young lady called our station," Officer Jenny said. "You could have been stuck down there for quite a while." She then gestured to a young woman who had blond, shoulder length hair the color of sunshine, deep, hazel eyes, and fair skin.

"Does this bag belong to you?" the girl said.

"Yes. I put it down right before I fell into the ravine," Vilnis replied. "Thank you so much for helping me out."

"I'm happy to help," The girl replied.

"Would you two like a ride to Ambrette Town?" Officer Jenny chimed in. "It's late, you two can stay at the Pokemon Center for the night. I'll go ahead and radio Nurse Joy to prepare a couple of rooms for you." Vilnis, Umbreon, and the young woman got into Officer Jenny's police vehicle and took off towards Ambrette Town.

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