Kalos Part 24

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"The Finals of the Infinity Cup are about to get underway!" Misty announced. "This will be a full six on six battle between Ashley of Lilycove City and Vilnis of Vanaville Town! The winner will face off in a Gym Battle against Ezra, the Viridian City Gym Leader for a chance to obtain the coveted Infinity Badge!" The arena erupted in loud cheers.

A referee explained the rules once more to both Ashley and Vilnis. "Are you both ready?"

"Ready," They said at the same time.

"Then, Battle begin!"

"I choose you, Umbreon!" Vilnis said to his partner who stood beside him in the trainer box. Umbreon jumped onto the battlefield.

"Going with Umbreon?" Ashley asked. "Then I'll go with Meowstic!" She threw the Pokeball and Meowstic materialized on the battlefield.

"This is it," Marco said, nervously watching from the stands.

"They're both strong in their own respective ways," Akito commented. "I wonder who is going to win."

"That's a great question," Clemont said, appearing out of nowhere. "Mind if I sit with you and watch?"

"Clemont?" Marco asked, surprised.

"This is a battle that I can't miss," Valerie said, as she sat next to Akito.

"And Valerie?"

Back on the battlefield, Ashley was calling the first attack.

"Hit it with a Charge Beam!" she ordered. Meowstic loaded a Charge Beam and fired it at Umbreon.

"Umbreon, use Swift!" Vilnis called after Umbreon withstood the attack. It fired a dazzling Swift at Meowstic, causing a bit of damage. "Great, now return!" Umbreon jumped back to the trainer box.

"Returning your Pokemon during the middle of this round?" Ashley asked. "I'm eager to see what your strategy is."

"You'll see!" Vilnis called. "Pumpkaboo, it's your turn!" Pumpkaboo gave a spin as it emerged from its Pokeball.

"I see. A ghost type advantage," Ashley commented. "Meowstic, use Sucker Punch!"

"Use Shadow Sneak!" Vilnis called. Right as Meowstic's Sucker Punch made contact with Pumpkaboo, Pumpkaboo's Shadow attacked Meowstic from behind, resulting in both Pokemon taking a lot of damage.

"Meowstic, use Psyshock!" Meowstic fired multiple psychic pellets at Pumpkaboo.

"Spin to dodge and then use Shadow Ball!" Vilnis ordered. Pumpkaboo spun away, dodging each of the pellets and then fired a large Shadow Ball that caused Meowstic to collapse.

"Meowstic is unable to battle!" the referee announced. "Ashley must now bring out her next Pokemon!"

"Ninetales, I choose you!" Ashley said, releasing Ninetales from its Pokeball. Ninetales spit some fire showing that it meant business.

"I see you know your type advantages as well," Vilnis said. "But we won't give up. Pumpkaboo, use Psychic!" Pumpkaboo sent out a powerful Psychic force, pushing Ninetales back.

"Will-O-Wisp!" Ashley ordered. Ninetales' tails began to glow with deep blue flames that suddenly surrounded Pumpkaboo, burning it in the process. "Now use Fire Blast!"

"Counter with Flamethrower!" Vilnis called, quickly. Both fire moves collided and sent flames flying in every direction. Pumpkaboo was then burned from the Will-O-Wisp attack.

"Ninetales, use Dark Pulse!" Ninetales sent out a dark aura that enveloped Pumpkaboo, causing it to flinch when Vilnis called out the next attack. Pumpkaboo then took more damage from the Will-O-Wisp. "Finish it with Incinerate!" Ninetales powered up with the heat from its body and sent a powerful blast of fire at Pumpkaboo, finishing it off.

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