Kalos Part 9

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"I've got Buizel's Dive Ball in my right hand," Vilnis said. "And Togepi's Heal Ball in my left." The group had left Lumiose City that morning and were currently walking through Route 14, northbound to Laverre City.

"I'm glad that the Egg hatched safely and all," Marco started. "But aren't you worried that you're using up the Pokeballs from your collection?"

"I can see what you mean, Marco. But the way I see it, I'm putting my collection to good use." Vilnis explained. "After all, Pokeballs are designed to catch Pokemon. What good are they just sitting on a shelf?"

"I like your way of thinking," Ashley said. "And you can always collect more Pokeballs in the future."

"Right," Vilnis agreed. "Besided, I have more in my collection." He put away the Dive and Heal Balls and pulled out the two Dusk Balls from his bag to show. "See."

"Alright," Marco agreed. "Just as long as yo-" He had suddenly tripped over something in the path.

"Marco? Are you alright?" asked Ashley.

"I tripped over that," He replied, pointing to a large clump of grass that was tied into a knot. "It looks like a Pokemon used Grass Knot."

"Over there," Vilnis said, pointing up ahead on the trail. There were two Pokemon laughing at the prank they had just pulled on innocent travelers.

"I don't recognize them," Ashley said as she pulled out her Rotom Phone.

"Phantump - The Stump Pokemon: According to old tales, these Pokémon are stumps possessed by the spirits of children who died while lost in the forest.

"Pumpkaboo - The Pumpkin Pokemon: The pumpkin body is inhabited by a spirit trapped in this world. As the sun sets, it becomes restless and active."

"It looks like they're just playing tricks on travelers," Vilnis said. "No need to worry. If we just mind our own business, we'll be just fi-" He was suddenly tripped by another Grass Knot attack. Forgetting that he had the Dusk Balls in his hands, one of them slipped out of reach and hit the Phantump. The Dusk Ball wiggled three times and then stopped, confirming the capture of the prankster Phantump.

"Did that just happen?" Ashley asked in disbelief. Everything was still for a moment. The wild Pumpkaboo hovered over the Dusk Ball that had captured it's friend and then suddenly turned to face the group. It was angry.

"I think that is a safe sign that we need to get out of here," Marco said. They all ran back the way they came as the angry Pumpkaboo started firing Shadow Balls at them. They were able to hide in the shrubs along the trail when they were out of sight of the Pumpkaboo.

"I can't believe it," Vilnis said. "I catch a random Pokemon with one of my special Pokeballs from my collection and now I can even go back to get it because of that angry Pumpkaboo."

"We'll have to come up with a plan to distract that Pumpkaboo so we can get that Ball back," Ashley said. "I'm betting Pumpkaboo is angry because you caught it's friend."

"It's not like I planned on catching it," Vilnis said. "And now I'm down another Pokeball from my collection."

"I was just telling you to be careful about how you use those Pokeballs, wasn't I?" Marco said.

"I've got it!" Ashley stated abruptly. "I'll challenge that Pumpkaboo to a battle as a distraction. That way, you two can sneak behind and get the Dusk Ball and we can be on our way to Laverre City."

Ashley walked back onto the trail while Marco and Vilnis sneaked in the wooded area that lined the route. The Pumpkaboo was still guarding the Dusk Ball as Ashley approached. She had a Pokeball ready in hand.

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