Johto Part 10

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"According to the information that Professor Elm gave me, this area seems to be the ideal living conditions for Raikou," Lance said to himself. He had spent the last couple of days exploring the mountain range north of Blackthorn City, searching for Raikou. "I just hope that this isn't all for nothing. I hope that I'm able to locate it before they do."

Lance had spent his time looking in caves and deep in forests for the legendary beast, but there was still no evidence that it was occupying the area.

"Maybe I should contact the others to see how their searches are going." Lance pulled out his phone and dialed Steven's number, but the call didn't go through. "No signal? I hope that they're all doing okay. Maybe I should go back to Blackthorn City. I'm sure Clair would let me rest at her Gym while I get in contact with the others."

Lance had started his way back to Blackthorn City when he heard a loud hum just above him. He looked up and saw an airship making its way northeast from where he was.

"And just when I was heading back home," He muttered while he released Dragonite from its pokeball. "Follow that airship!" Lance and Dragonite followed the airship closely, but they flew closer to the ground in order to conceal themselves. They wanted to avoid being seen at all costs. They followed the airship for about twenty minutes until it began to descend to the ground. Once Lance and Dragonite had caught up to it, they saw some of the Beryl Foundation grunts cornering the Raikou he was searching for. And with those Grunts were Entei and Suicune. Both of them had black rings around their necks and were following the orders the grunts were giving.

"Entei, use Lava Plume on Raikou!" commanded one of the Grunts. Entei immediately sent out a flame that engulfed Raikou's body. Raikou let out a painful cry as it shook out the flames. It then retaliated with a Zap Cannon attack, causing Entei to fall back, but quickly regain its stance. "Entei, Lava Plume once again!

"Dragonite! Use Fire Punch!" Lance called. Dragonite swooped in and met Entei with a Fire Punch right in the mouth before having the chance to release its Lava Plume attack.

"What!? The Champion!?" One of the grunts exclaimed.

"I cannot allow you people to do this heinous crime against these Pokemon!" Lance said, boldly. "Release Entei and Suicune at once!"

"I'm afraid that won't be possible, Champion," A voice said. Lance turned to see Commander X step out of the airship. "Our goal is to bring a new tomorrow for all people and Pokemon. You're a man of goals and dreams, are you not? So you should understand why this is necessary."

"You're wrong!" Lance shouted at her. "What you are doing is the most outrageous and disgusting thing I have ever witnessed! If you do not release these Pokemon at once, you leave me no choice but to free them from you by force!"

"So be it," Commander X said. "Entei, pin down that annoying Dragonite!" Entei followed the orders given and slammed into Dragonite, pinning it down with the weight of its entire body. Commander X turned to the gunts. "Capture Raikou. Now!"

"Yes ma'am!" The grunts said, simultaneously. They sent out three psychic Pokemon, a Gardevoir and two Gothitelle. They were able to hold Raikou in place while one of the grunts placed a black ring around its neck. Raikou immediately fell into a trance, no longer putting up a fight.

"I won't let you get away with this!" Lance yelled as he reached for another Pokeball.

"Suicune, I command you to use Aurora Beam on that man!" Commander X ordered. Right when the Aurora Beam was inches away from Lance, a burst from a Flamethrower attack knocked it away.

"Now is that any way to treat our beloved Champion?" Everyone stopped to see Ethan with his Typhlosion standing there. "I suggest you all back off."

"Ethan?" Lance asked, stunned to see him. Suddenly a violent blizzard of petals attacked the Grunts and their Pokemon, causing them to faint.

"Don't forget about me!" Kris said, standing behind Ethan with her partner, Meganium.

"Come on," Commander X said to her troup. "We don't have time to waste on these pests." They all retreated into the airship with all three Legendary Beasts intoe. The airship took off towards the west.

"What are you two doing here?" Lance asked as he returned Dragonite to its Pokeball.

"I think the words you're looking for are thank you?" Ethan said. Kris nudged him with her elbow and gave him a stern look.

"We overheard you say that you were heading towards Blackthorn City and we wanted to join you and help," Kris explained. We made it to the mountain range, but lost track of you."

"Yeah. Until we saw that airship and chased it down," Ethan said. "That's when we saw that you were in trouble and stepped in to help."

"But they got away!" Lance said, angrily.

"Hey! If it wasn't for us, you'd be frozen solid!" Ethan shouted back.

"You-" Lance started. He then took a deep breath. "Thank you for stepping in. I apologize for my outburst. I am just frustrated that I wasn't able to get here before they did."

"They headed off in that direction," Kris said, pointing west. "I wonder where they'll be going next."

"I'm not sure," Lance replied. "But we should head back to Blackthorn City and get in contact with the others. We'll have to go by foot since Entei took out my Dragonite completely."        

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