Galar Part 3

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Kanto Region - Vermillion City

Cold, wet snow fell across a frozen field. There were brilliant beams of red light that shot up from the ground. Through the blizzard, Vilnis could see the shape of a person. A young man. As he got closer he could see that this young man had a Pikachu, sitting on his shoulder. The young man turned around with a look of fear in his eyes. Vilnis recognized this young man as Ash. Suddenly a terrible beam of light struck Ash and everything was absorbed in brightness.

"No! Look out!" Vilnis cried, shooting up from the futon on the floor. His cry made Marco and Goh jolt awake. Umbreon and Grookey sprang awake too. Vilnis was drenched in sweat and was panting hard.

"Vilnis?" Marco asked. "What's wrong?"

"It was Ash!" Vilnis said in a hushed voice. "I saw Ash!"

"What do you mean you saw him?" Goh asked.

"I guess it was my dream. I saw Ash and Pikachu," Vilnis explained. "They were in some kind of frozen field and it was snowing really hard. Ash gave me this look. Like he was afraid of something and then he was hit by some sort of light."

"Perhaps you dreamt this because you're stressed about the situation?" Marco suggested.

"Maybe," Vilnis replied, rubbing his eyes. "But it felt so real. It felt like I was actually there. I could feel the cold snow."

"Vilnis, maybe we should bring this up with the others?" Goh asked. "I know that we're all worried and a bit stressed. It might be good to see how everyone else is feeling."

So Vilnis, Marco, and Goh got up and prepared breakfast for everyone. Something light so they could make their way to the airport quickly after eating. The girls slowly began to join them at the breakfast table. Ashley was the last to get there.

"Typical!" Vilnis said as Ashley took her seat. "You always seem to be running late!"

"Hey, I was kind enough to let the others get ready before me," Ashley fired back. "You should comment on how amazing I am for being such a kind person." They shared a quick smile and then started to laugh. "Thank you guys for making breakfast."

"It's our pleasure," Goh said, gathering empty plates and glasses. "Vilnis? Why don't you tell them now?"

"Oh," Vilnis said, his expression changing.

"Tell us what?" Misty asked.

"Well, I had this really realistic dream last night about Ash," Vilnis explained. "He was in some kind of frozen field and it was snowing there. I could feel the cold of the snow. It was like I was there myself. Then he was hit by a great beam of light. It was so blinding that it jolted me awake."

"A frozen field!?" Iris complained with a shiver. "That sounds terrible! I can't stand the cold!"

"Maybe it wasn't a dream," Cynthia said. "Perhaps it could have been a premonition."

"You mean like a vision?" Serena asked. She grabbed her chin while she considered this theory. "I know that I've had many realistic dreams before. How would you know if it really was a premonition?"

"I guess you can't really know for sure," Cynthia said. "But until we get to Galar, I think it's our greatest lead so far."


The search and rescue team waved goodbye to Chloe as they walked away from the Cerise Laboratory. And soon, they were on a flight headed to the Galar Region.

"Leon said that he and a friend of his will meet us in Wedgehurst," Iris said. "There we will come up with a plan."

Vilnis sat next to Misty who was sitting next to Serena. He was silently observing their interaction. Serena stared out the window with a glum look on her face. She had been so gloomy ever since she joined the group and Vilnis couldn't quite understand why. Serena opened her backpack and pulled out a silky blue ribbon and held it close to her chest.

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