Kalos Part 18

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A/N: Hey everyone. It's been a crazy few days and I've just been getting over the sick. 

Anyways, here's the chapter!


  "No way," Vilnis said under his breath. "Is that evolution?" Togepi began to change shape within the shimmering light. Once the light disbursed, a determined looking Togetic floated where Togepi stood just moments before.

"Unreal," Ashley said in disbelief.

"Togetic!" Vilnis called. "You did it! You used a fairy attack! Are you able to see the Fairy Aura?" Togetic closed its eyes, turned to the Crystal Shard and released a Fairy Wind attack. The shard began to glow faintly and Togetic picked it up and began flying away from the shrine. It stopped for a moment and motioned for the group to follow.

"I think it can sense Xerneas," Marco said as they all jogged in the direction that Togetic was leading. "We may just get there before those Pokemon Hunters do."

"For the sake of Kalos, we cannot let them wake Xerneas and Yveltal," Professor Sycamore said. They followed Togetic out of Geosenge Town and right into Reflection Cave. Reflection cave was dimly lit by the crystals that formed there, providing some light for travelers. Togetic then led the group down a cavern that had a large rock covering the rest of the path. Togetic motioned to the group that this was the way they needed to go.

"I've got this," Ashley said, turning to Glameow. "Glameow, I need you to use Iron Tail on that giant rock!" Glameow's tail straightened and began glowing, becoming hard and sharp like an iron blade. It swung Its tail and sliced the rock into smaller pieces. Once the rock was smashed away, Togetic flew into the tunnel. It was dark with no crystals to light the way.

"I have someone that can help," Professor Aspen said. She held an Ultra Ball in her hand and threw it into the tunnel revealing a Delphox. "Delphox, use your branch to light the way through this tunnel!" Delphox brought out Its branch that had a bright flame on top of it. The group was able to quickly catch up to Togetic.

"Professors?" Ashley asked. "Do you think that Xerneas or Yveltal could be in this cave?"

"It is certainly a possibility," Professor Sycamore said. "I just hope we find them in time."

"I hope that they're still asleep when we get there," Ashley said. "I couldn't bear to see all that destruction that Yveltal can cause."

After a short while of following Togetic through the tunnel, the group was eventually able to see a light coming through. They were about to exit the cave. Once the group emerged from the cave, they were met with a splendid view. A forest that surrounded a cluster of waterfalls that poured into a lake. Mountains contained this little paradise, hiding it away from the rest of the world.

"There are so many Pokemon here," Marco said. He was right, the place was crawling with Noibat, Gogoat, Skiddo, Spritzee, Nidoran, and many more. "This must be their home."

"Professor," Professor Aspen said, turning to Professor Sycamore. "What do you suppose this place is?"

"I believe that this must be the Allearth Forest," Professor Sycamore said.

"The Allearth Forest?" Vilnis asked. "I've never heard of it before."

"It's a natural sanctuary for Pokemon," Professor Sycamore explained. "Not many people have been here and it is nearly impossible to find. The mountains and trees cover it up well, so it is difficult to locate from the sky. However, Clemont, his sister, and their friends told me about the time they came here."

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