Johto Part 18

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"They've been swallowed up in the Vortexes!" Lance screamed. Everyone looked forward expecting to see Vilnis and Ashley's bodies being swept away by the force of the vortex. But they just stayed in the same positions, levitating within the elements of fire and water.

"What's happening?" Steven asked, mezmorized. "They haven't moved from their spots at all!"


Ashley stood in the vortex of fire. She could feel the heat, but was not harmed at all. She faced the creature of darkness that was once Ho-oh.

"I know that you're in there, Ho-oh!" She called. "And I know that you can come back to me! You just have to keep fighting!"

Monochrome Ho-oh let out another deafening cry. It was so loud that Ashley had to cover her ears.

"Keep fighting the darkness!" She called. "I'm here with you!"

"Ashley!" Marco called out. She looked over her shoulder to see Marco standing right by her.

"Marco!?" She asked, shocked. "What are you doing here?"

"We couldn't let you and Vilnis do this alone," He replied. "I'm here with you! How can I help?"

"I know that Ho-oh is still in there," She said. "We need to get it to fight the darkness."

"I can feel you near," a gentle voice said within the vortex of fire. "Please, lend me your strength."

"Was that voice?" Marco asked.

"It was Ho-oh," Ashley answered. "I knew it was still here!" She reached into her pocket and pulled out the Rainbow Wing and held it out towards Marco. "We can lend Ho-oh our strength."

"Yes," Marco nodded. His hand clasped around Ashley's hand which held the Rainbow Wing. "Let's lend Ho-oh our strength." They lifted the Rainbow Wing into the air and it began to shine a bright, colorful light.

"Ho-oh!" Ashley called out. "You have our strength! Fight this darkness!"


The force of the vortex was strong, Vilnis could feel it. But he was not swept away with the water. He stood in the midst of the raging storm, facing the dark creature that was once Lugia.

"I can feel it!" He called out. "Lugia, you're still here with us! You just need to fight it!"

Shadow Lugia screeched into the sky. A painful cry that made even the air around it shake.

"Lugia, keep fighting it!" Vilnis called out again.

"Vilnis!" Akito said. Vilnis turned around to see Akito standing in the vortex.

"Akito?" he questioned. "How did you get here?"

"Marco and I decided that we wouldn't let you and Ashley do this alone," Akito replied. "You are our friends and we aren't turning our backs on you!"

"I still don't understand how you're standing here in the vortex," Vilnis said in disbelief.

"Honestly, I'm not sure either," Akito said. "Perhaps it's because I took a leap of faith in order to help my friends. Now that I'm here, what can I do to help?"

"I can feel that Lugia is still here," Vilnis said. "We need to find a way to help it fight the darkness."

"Please," a gentle voice whispered. "I need you to lend me your strength. I can't fight this darkness alone."

"That voice was Lugia, wasn't it?" Akito asked.

"That's right," Vilnis nodded. "It needs our strength. So," He reached into his pocket and pulled out the Silver Wing, holding it out towards Akito. "Let's take a leap of faith and lend our strength to Lugia."

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