Sinnoh Part 14

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A/N: Hello everyone. This is the last chapter of the Sinnoh Arc. I've already written a few chapters for the next arc, but I've been struggling with it. So it might be a little while before I post anything for the next arc. I want to get a nice backlog going before posting anything. 

I hope you have enjoyed it up to this point.


"Welcome to the Sinnoh Pokemon League," Cynthia said, gesturing towards the castle-like structure in front of them. "The others are waiting inside."

"Thank you, both, for being willing to come at such short notice," Steven said as they walked through the front doors. "But there is something quite urgent that we need to address." As they made their way down the corridor, Vilnis saw two familiar faces waiting outside a pair of closed doors.

"Professor Sycamore?" He asked, rushing over to him. "And Alain? What are you doing here?"

"Vilnis, I'm so glad to see that you're safe," Professor Sycamore said. "I was asked to join the Counsel of Champions and I brought Alain with me."

"It's been a while, Vilnis," Alain said, shaking his hand. "Congratulations on your recent win in becoming the Champion of Kalos."

"Alain, the last time I saw you, you and Mairin decided to travel to the Galar region," Vilnis said. "What are you doing here?"

"Mairin and I came back to Lumiose City after we learned that you became Champion," Alain explained. "We figured that Professor Sycamore would need some more help seeing that you now have new responsibilities as a Champion."

"So does that mean Mairin is here too?" Vilnis asked.

"Mairin is back at the Lab while we're here," Professor Sycamore said.

"This Counsel of Champions is a bit different than what it has been in the past," Steven said. "You see, I've called The current Champions, Professor Oak and Professor Sycamore here." Steven then opened the pair of doors in front of them. "I've also invited former Champions as well."

In the room were many people. Vilnis recognised Professor Oak and Diantha, but he was not acquainted with the others there.

"Let us all go around and give introductions," Cynthia said. "Lance, would you please start?"

"Hello everyone," A man with dim pink hair and a serious face said. "I am Lance and I am the current Champion of the Johto region. I am also here to represent the Kanto Elite 4."

"I'll go next," A man wearing a white hat said. "My name is Wallace and I am the former Champion of Hoenn. It has been a long time since I've been to one of these Counsel meetings, but I am honored to be joining you all."

"I am Steven, as you all know," Steven said. "I'm the current Champion of the Hoenn region and I have called this meeting."

"I'm Cynthia," Cynthia began. "I am glad to be hosting you all at the Sinnoh Pokemon League as its Champion."

"Hello everyone," said a man with fiery orange and red hair. "My name is Alder and I am the former Champion of Unova. It's a pleasure to have been invited."

"I guess that means I'm next," A young woman said. She wore a pink gown with a golden crown on her head that had emerald gems embedded in it. "I'm the current Champion of the Unova region and my name is Iris."

"Hello everyone," Diantha said. "You can call me Diantha. I am also the former Champion of Kalos."

"It's nice to meet you all," Vilnis said. "I'm Vilnis, the Champion of the Kalos region."

"Thank you all for joining me here today," Steven said. "Unfortunately, I've had trouble contacting the Champions of the Galar and Alola regions. So they won't be joining us today."

"I'm not surprised," Iris said. "Leon is probably off, lost somewhere. My cousin is terrible with directions. And Ash, come on, he's almost an adult but he still acts like such a little kid. Honestly, those two are so similar."

"Let's just get to the point of why we're here," Steven continued. "Professor Oak, if you'd like to take the stand."

"Thank you, Steven," Professor Oak said. "I'll cut to the chase. All of our regions are in danger. We have come to learn that the Beryl Foundation is being led by none other than Professor Esme Aspen. She has played us all. She gained our trust as a professional researcher to gain access to confidential information regarding the legendary Pokemon from all over the world. All of the Pokemon Professors from each of your regions have worked with her. The Beryl Foundation had already attempted to gain control of the Legendary Pokemon from Kalos and Sinnoh. But we need to be ready for their next attack."

"If you don't mind," Lance interrupted. "But I've been getting reports of mysterious airships being spotted all over the Johto region and in the Orange Islands. Could this be these Beryl Foundation people?"

"It's more than likely," Vilnis said. "From what I've experienced, they travel in airships to get to their targets quickly and to escape just as fast."

"You've had multiple run-ins with these people, correct Vilnis?" Professor Oak asked.

"Yes, me and my friends have engaged in battle with them many times," Vilnis explained.

"Vilnis, Ashley, and Marco were the reason why the Beryl Foundation was not able to succeed with their plans in Kalos," Professor Sycamore said.

"And they also played a grand part in taking them down, here in Sinnoh," Cynthia added.

"So, let me ask you, Vilnis," Lance said. "Do you think you and your friends would be willing to help me investigate the alleged sightings in Johto and the Orange Islands?"

"I'll have to discuss it with them, but I'm sure they'll be on board," Vilnis replied.

"For the time being," Professor Oak said. "We need everyone to keep a watchful eye on your regions. Enlist the help of your gym leaders as well."

"I'll be going to help out in Johto as well," Steven said. "Wallace will be residing at the Hoenn Pokemon League while I am away."

"So we need to be looking out for strange airships," Iris said, deep in thought. "Is there anything else?"

"I would suggest getting in contact with your region's professors and work with them in protecting the areas where legendary Pokemon are speculated to be," Professor Sycamore added.

"Right," Steven said. "The mission is clear, we must prevent the Beryl Foundation from getting their hands on more Legendary Pokemon."


"Don't worry about Kalos," Diantha said to Vilnis after the counsel had disbursed. "I may not be the Champion anymore, but I'll do all I can to protect my home."

"I appreciate that, Diantha," Vilnis said.

"I think that you and the others are the best bet at taking down the Beryl Foundation," Professor Sycamore said. "You've had more interaction with them than anyone else here."

"We'll be watching over Kalos while you're seeing out this mission," Alain added.

"Thank you, everyone," Vilnis said. "After everything that happened here in Sinnoh, I'm starting to understand what it means to be a Champion. And I'm going to wear that title proudly."    

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