Kalos Part 7

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"Riolu, use Vacuum Wave!" Marco commanded. Riolu sent a burst of aura energy at Umbreon.

"Quick, Umbreon, dodge and then use Shadow Ball!" Vilnis said. Umbreon was able to evade the Vacuum Wave and launch a large Shadow Ball at Riolu. "Great job!"

It was the morning of the match between Vilnis and Korrina. The night before, Vilnis battled with Ashley and her Vulpix. He wanted to have Buizel get some experience before challenging Korrina. Due to Buizel's cautious nature, it took a while for it to feel comfortable battling. After a while Buizel found its confidence and was able to follow the orders that Vilnis called out. Now, this morning, Vilnis was battling against Marco and his Riolu.

"I think this is a great place to stop," Marco said. "You wouldn't want to tire out Umbreon before the match."

"That's true," Vilnis said. "Thanks for training with me. And great work Umbreon." Umbreon let out a joyful cry in response.

"We should get going to the gym now," Ashley said. "I can't wait to see your battle." Vilnis gave her a smile.

"You know what?" he started. "I'm actually starting to get excited for this."

"That's what I like to hear," a voice said. Professor Sycamore approached the group. "If you don't mind, I'd like to see your gym battle too."

"Of course you can come," Vilnis said. "I'm getting excited after all. I've never done something like this before. But, I'm still nervous."

"That's okay," Professor Sycamore said, putting a hand on Vilnis's shoulder. "Just do your best. Even if you don't win this match, you can be satisfied knowing that you stepped out of your comfort zone and gave it your all."


"Welcome back," Korrina said as the group entered the gym. "Professor Sycamore? What are you doing here?"

"It's nice to see you again, Korrina," Professor Sycamore said. "I've come to watch the match if that's okay with you."

"Of course," Korrina replied. She then turned to face Vilnis. "Are you ready, Vilnis?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," he replied. Vilnis took a deep breath in. "Let's do this."

As the rest of the group turned to find a place to sit in the stands, Ashley stopped and looked back at Vilnis and said: "Hey. Good luck out there." Vilnis smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

On the battlefield, Korrina and Vilnis met the referee.

"The battle between Korrina, the Shalour City Gym Leader and Vilnis, the challenger is about to begin. Each trainer is allowed the use of two Pokemon and can substitute at any point during the match," the referee announced. "Now, battle begin!"

"I'm starting out with Hawlucha!" Korrina said, throwing Hawlucha's Pokeball onto the battlefield. "Now, who will you choose first?"

Vilnis looked down at Umbreon who was standing next to him in the trainer's box. "Umbreon, I'll send you out to battle later." He reached for the Dive Ball in his pocket. "I choose Buizel!"

"So, he's starting with Buizel," Professor Sycamore commented.

"All of that training we did yesterday is bound to pay off!" Ashley cheered.

"Buizel as your first choice," Korrina said, grinning. "Hawlucha, use Power-Up Punch!" Korrina's Hawlucha charged at Buizel with power built up in its fist.

"Use Aqua Jet, just like we practiced yesterday!" Vilnis called. As Hawlucha approached Buizel, Buizel surrounded itself in water and dove underneath Hawlucha in the Aqua Jet while inflicting some damage.

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